This video is amazing, some dude is filming a scene for a skate movie, whether it is pro or not, I couldn’t tell you, I lost interest in skateboarding when I got a driver’s license at 16 and I haven’t really looked back since, because as much as I like over-priced shoes and shirts, dancing around on a piece of wood seems a little idiotic…you know almost on the retard level of “oh good boy, you can flip your board and land on it, here’s a million dollar sponsorship, since you were never going to graduate high school an get a real job anyway”…but I guess skateboarders have fun, and in having fun, when all you other assholes are working for your mortgage, this dude slammed into a kid and his mom wasn’t too down, in fact she was pissed and started beating the punk…hilarious… It’s almost as good as this dude getting tasered after hitting a girl outside a party…
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Skateboarding Video of the Day