SMH: Man Kicked Out Of Library Due To Stinky Underarms Sues New York Public Library For $5.5M

First the woman was kicked off the bus because her baby’s dirty stankin azz diaper , and now this man for smelly armpits! Via NYPost: An Upper West Sider with heinous body odor claims the New York Public Library has unfairly washed its hands of him — booting him from one of the branches because of his olfactory offensiveness. The situation smells of discrimination, claims 80-year-old George Stillman, who has filed a $5.5 million lawsuit against the library in Manhattan Supreme Court. The loyal library user says he has gone to the St. Agnes branch on Amsterdam Avenue for 20 years without incident and was humiliated more than three years ago by a manager’s request that he leave. He insists the problem stemmed from the library’s restrooms, not him. Stillman claims in court papers that he “found the branch manager to be giving off an odor but never objected, understanding that such a challenge to the senses was just a fact of life in the city.” In fact, Stillman thinks the library was just being snooty, since New York City was recently declared the “smelliest city in the country,” according to his court papers, which note that “individuals with different diets from different culture often emit an odor that is alien to others outside the group.” The longtime Manhattan resident and dedicated long-distance runner says the lawsuit goes beyond B.O. Stillman, who is representing himself in the case, denies anyone has ever told him he stinks. “The only time I had an odor was when I was doing long-distance running and I was sweating,” Stillman declared. “I’ve got no body odor.” When a reporter visited Stillman, she also noticed a strong odor. The Korean War veteran blamed his apartment and opened his door and a hallway window. Stillman prompted numerous complaints, a library spokeswoman said. SMH. $5.5 Milli though??? Flickr

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SMH: Man Kicked Out Of Library Due To Stinky Underarms Sues New York Public Library For $5.5M

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