So You Think You Can Dance Result: So Long, Alex Wong

We had a feeling Alex Wong’s prognosis was grim after that ACL injury he suffered in rehearsals, and when he didn’t dance with the rest of the contestants at the top of the results show, our suspicions were confirmed: He’s far too injured to continue competing on So You Think You Can Dance . Jesus, God, why? He was going to win this damn thing following a final match-up with Billy Bell, who would’ve pulled out all the stops and danced as 14 different cats (from tabby to tiger) in 60 seconds. Since that final duel is now impossible, let’s revisit Alex Wong’s best routine of the season and weep to our loved ones about his exquisite lines, touching commitment, and that time the wardrobe department made him wear a FUBU costume.

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So You Think You Can Dance Result: So Long, Alex Wong

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