Tag Archives: adam shankman

New Rock of Ages Trailer: Sing It, Tom Cruise

The thing I love about the ramped-up new Rock of Ages trailer is how unapologetically it states what this movie is: A bombastic, cheeky, kitschy, bright-eyed and utterly slick tribute to the decadence of ’80s rock culture, based on the even slicker Broadway hit of the same name. Which of course you already know — but now, with Tom Cruise’s brief singing showcase and pretty much everyone else warbling adapted pop show tunes of their own, Warner Bros. and New Line’s cards are on the table. There can be no ambiguity: You are either in or you are out. In this era of equivocation and overlapping quadrants and being everything to everyone, it’s pretty ballsy when you think about it. That said, I am so, so, so out. Your mileage may vary, you tell me. Follow S.T. VanAirsdale on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

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New Rock of Ages Trailer: Sing It, Tom Cruise

And Now, Alec Baldwin Updates You on the Filming Progress of Rock of Ages

He’s barely been a member of Twitter for a week, yet Alec Baldwin is already a must-follow celebrity on the social networking platform. When he isn’t tweeting political rhetoric (” Can Weiner still be Mayor in 2013 ?” or ” Looking to me to be Romney-Pawlenty ” as examples), the 30 Rock star is giving updates from the set of Rock of Ages . What kind of scintillating details does Baldwin have to offer the masses?

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And Now, Alec Baldwin Updates You on the Filming Progress of Rock of Ages

DVD: 1970s British TV Classics Ain’t What They Used to Be

The timing certainly couldn’t be better for the new Upstairs Downstairs : Complete Series box (now available from Acorn Media). The landmark British series about an aristocratic family and the servants who feed and clean them celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, there’s a new reboot of the show premiering this Sunday on PBS, and the success of last year’s Downton Abbey , of which Upstairs is a direct predecessor, whetted viewers’ appetite to revisit the show. Whether or not Upstairs Downstairs actually lives up to its reputation, however, is another matter entirely.

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DVD: 1970s British TV Classics Ain’t What They Used to Be

Russell Brand Close to Finalizing Rock of Ages Role?

Future cult leader Russell Brand is having quite an April. The Hop and Arthur star is reportedly on the verge of completing a deal to co-star in Rock of Ages that has long been in the works. The announcement — which could come as early as this week — would cast Brand opposite every person in Hollywood in the big-screen adaptation of the hit Broadway musical. Cue up some Infant Sorrow to celebrate. [ Wrap ]

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Russell Brand Close to Finalizing Rock of Ages Role?

First Video Clip from Lost Epilogue Sorta Does Answer One Burning Question

At least Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have an answer to one question. Access Hollywood brings a first glimpse at “The New Man in Charge,” the 12-minute, DVD -only Lost epilogue that promises to tie up a few loose ends, and fans of Dharma-based food products are sure to be excited. Click ahead to watch.

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First Video Clip from Lost Epilogue Sorta Does Answer One Burning Question

So You Think You Can Dance Result: So Long, Alex Wong

We had a feeling Alex Wong’s prognosis was grim after that ACL injury he suffered in rehearsals, and when he didn’t dance with the rest of the contestants at the top of the results show, our suspicions were confirmed: He’s far too injured to continue competing on So You Think You Can Dance . Jesus, God, why? He was going to win this damn thing following a final match-up with Billy Bell, who would’ve pulled out all the stops and danced as 14 different cats (from tabby to tiger) in 60 seconds. Since that final duel is now impossible, let’s revisit Alex Wong’s best routine of the season and weep to our loved ones about his exquisite lines, touching commitment, and that time the wardrobe department made him wear a FUBU costume.

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So You Think You Can Dance Result: So Long, Alex Wong

So You Think You Can Dance Elimination: Blame Jason Mraz!

The adorable Alexie Agdeppa was sent home on So You Think You Can Dance last night, and I didn’t buy judge Mia Michaels’s explanation that Alexie’s hard work “didn’t show” during her performance. No way. Her performance was fine — if uneventful — but I think the whimsical trills of Jason Mraz blew it for her. When you hear his faux-reggae styling, do you want to dance the dance of a lifetime? No. You want to stay in Aeropostale a little longer and pick out another $7.99 pair of cargo shorts. It’s mall music, ladies! That’s just the truth. Whatever the reason, Alexie is gone — and we have video of her ill-fated dance and Mia Michaels’s comments after the jump.

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So You Think You Can Dance Elimination: Blame Jason Mraz!

LEAKED Miley Cyrus Lap Dance Video Exclusive Lapdance with Adam Shankman

A new video has LEAKED!!! The LEAKED Miley Cyrus Lap Dance Video Exclusive Lapdance has been making it’s rounds. On the video, you can find Miley Cyrus bumping and grinding her way to some older guy’s crotch. Miley Cyrus, who was 16 at the time this video was taken, is seen bumping and grinding with 44-year-old Adam Shankman. Yes, his name is Adam SHANKMAN, so at least, he lives up to his name. Adam Shankman is supposedly an openly gay man who was working with the teen. This leaked Miley Cyrus Lap Dance Video Exclusive Lapdance with Adam Shankman was taken with someone’s camera phone. You can find the full video of LEAKED Miley Cyrus Lap Dance Video Exclusive Lapdance via the links LEAKED Miley Cyrus Lap Dance Video Exclusive Lapdance with Adam Shankman is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Official Super 8 Trailer: Less Shaky, Just as Trainwrecky

2010 Oscar Mysteries: Explained! [Sleuthing]

If you were like me, last night you were watching the show with plenty of questions. Why so long? Why so bad? Who is that weird red-haired lady crashing the stage? Well, we found some answers and even more questions. Mystery : Who the hell was that red-haired lady crashing the stage during the Best Documentary Short acceptance speech? What Happened : Some crazy lady in a purple dress pulled a Kanye and hopped up to the mic and just started talking over director-producer Roger Ross Williams. She made no sense at all. Status : Solved. That woman was producer Elinor Burkett. She and Williams had a bitter feud over the direction of the film that resulted in a lawsuit. Salon has the full, awesome story . She accuses Williams’ mother of tripping her with a cane to keep her from getting on stage. The Oscars needed a lot more of this . Mystery : What was up with George Clooney ‘s face? What Happened : The silver fox was acting squirrelier than usual and making strange grimaces at the camera. Status : Solved: As we told you earlier Clooney was drunk from his secret flask. Who knows if the faces were because he was pissed (drunk) or pissed (upset) but we venture it was a combo of the two. Mystery : Did the Academy leave Farrah Fawcett and others out of the Dead People Montage? What Happened : The video collection of dead people highlights seemed shorter than usual this year (if you don’t count the entirely separate shout out to John Hughes who was never once nominated for an Oscar in his life) but they left several people out, like Fawcett, Bea Arthur , and Ed McMahon. Status : Solved. Yes, it was intentional . The Academy felt that in all three instances their work didn’t qualify them for inclusion, even though Michael Jackson and Brittany Murphy made the grade. They are not apologizing for skipping them either, saying every year some people must be left out. We smell Betty White’s hand in this. Mystery : Did Sandra Bullock diss Meryl Streep ? What Happened : When she got up to accept her trophy, Sandy B made a move toward Meryl, who tried to hug her or something, and then Sandy walked away and Meryl made the “Oh, never mind” gesture. The video is here . Status : Solved: Yes, she did. It doesn’t seem intentional, but the hug clearly didn’t connect. Maybe that is why Sandy repeatedly called Meryl her lover in her speech, to make up for causing her to look a fool on television. Mystery : What was up with those lamp shades? What Happened : At various points in the broadcast, a giant wall of lamp shades descended from heaven to make the stage look like the party room at a T.G.I. Friday’s in Wilkes-Barre. Status : Solved: It was a mistake—a very bad mistake. Mystery : Does Cameron Diaz not know how to read? What Happened : When she came out to present the award for Best Animated Feature with Steve Carell , they read their little banter and Cameron called Steve “Jude” by mistake before he corrected her and said their skit was originally written for Jude Law and they never fixed the Teleprompter Status : Solved: It was just a really bad joke, people. See, they talk about how Animated Features keep their beautiful faces off screen, and then we find out that it was supposed to be written for Jude Law, because, of course, no one would ever call Steve Carell attractive. Ha! Jokes. Too bad the show was so lame and riddled with mistakes that their very plausible meaning was a little too plausible. Mystery : What the fuck happened to Judd Nelson ? What Happened : When a bunch of brat packers, including a radiant Molly Ringwald, came out to pay tribute to John Hughes, it was apparent that all of them had aged, but none as badly as The Breakfast Club bad boy, who was practically unrecognizable. Status : Unsolved. He’s still working as an actor, so no one thinks he is destitute or drug-riddled or something. Everyone noticed he looked crazy but no one knows why. Yet. Mystery : Was Kathy Ireland drunk or on drugs? What Happened : The former supermodel was one of three co-hosts for ABC’s 30-minute red carpet special before the show began. She was horrible. Bad interview followed bad interview, she seemed semi-coherent, and her non-microphone-holding arm barely moved. Status : Solved. She was not on drugs . Now we have even more questions. Considering she has a billion (yes, that’s a b) dollar design business and we have never seen her host on TV before, what the hell was she doing there? Of all the people that ABC could have tapped to do the gig, why choose an inexperience lady who looks like she has a prosthetic? Is Kelly Ripa too normal or something? And if we wanted some crazy old lady with lots of plastic surgery on the red carpet, why not bring back Joan Rivers? Our mind is still boggling. Mystery : Will people watch again? What Happened : Last night’s telecast had the highest ratings in five years with 41.3 million viewers. It was also one of the worst productions in recent memories. Will people bother next year? Status : Solved. Of course. It’s the Oscars. Maybe not as many, but you know they’ll be there. And please, please, just let Neil Patrick Harris host next year. He promises his tux won’t be nearly as shiny. Mystery : Why the hell was there street dancing at the Oscars? What Happened : A troupe of television dancers were given the stage to do strange hip-hop contortions to the classically-influenced music of the Best Score nominees. Status : Unclear. We solved how it happened—director Adam Shankman who is a choreographer and TV dance show host—but we will forever be asking why. Why, why, why?

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2010 Oscar Mysteries: Explained! [Sleuthing]