This is some Cosmo man of the year award that I wasn’t nominated for, hell I wasn’t even invited to the shit, cuz to these media people I don’t even exist, except when they send me their bullshit email blasts hoping I plug their garbage smut for free, cuz they like keeping all the money in thier bank accounts, instead of sharing…cuz to them…sharing isn’t caring…mooching off a motherfucker is…. I am sure they awarded some bullshit mainstream man of the minute, you know cuz his PR people made them, cuz all this shit is staged, I’ve worked in the back room at a magazine before and their top 100 list was all decided for by the editors and whoever brought the best perks. Bullshit… That said here is some pussy I’d like to taste but can’t cuz I wasn’t there and they were, cuz they are more important than me…. Mila Kunis is always good….even in lesbian, non-sexy, conservative Hilary Clinton pantsuits that is so bad it could lead a husband to fuck Monica Lewinsky… Catt Sadler is unknown to me…but I’m already a fan of her tits…so I may google her…if I remember to…but right now I’m too busy hinking about saddlin’er and riding her into the sunset.. That said, maybe next year will be my year…maybe next year, I’ll get a fucking invite. Not that I’d go…I generally don’t leave my house….which gives them even more reason to invite me…it won’t cost them shit or take up one of their fucking seats….Assholes.
See original here:
Some Pussy at an Event I wasn’t Invited to of the Day
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