This just in: Not all famous people are loyal. Some cheat. Many cheat, in fact. And, in turn, the people with whom they cheat become famous themselves. Below, for example, is a rundown of well-known men and women who allegedly slept with celebrities while those celebrities were in relationships… 1. Sara Leal Sara Leal was the 22-year old who told Us Weekly all about the time Ashton Kutcher had sex with her in a hot tub…while he was still wed to Demi Moore. 2. Rachel Roy She sort of outed herself as Jay Z’s mistress after Beyonce released an album titled “Lemonade” that clearly accuse her husband of cheating. (We said Rachel Roy, people. Not celebrity chef Rachael Ray.) 3. Rachel Uchitel Patient zero of the Tiger Woods scandal. She later went on to serve as David Boreanaz’s side-piece. 4. Ava London London’s dalliance with Hank Baskett is still stirring up drama. We hope for her sake that she’s working on scoring a reality show deal. 5. Cady Groves Cady Groves was a little-known singer songwriter…until she (allegedly) broke up the biggest marriage in country music. We don’t know if Cady is any good when it comes to writing country songs, but she sure knows how to live one! 6. Chloe Bartoli Photos of Chloe canoodling with Scott Disick led to the reality star getting dumped by Kourtney Kardashian. She still says the pics were misleading, and nothing happened between them. View Slideshow
Last month, Joy-Anna Duggar married Austin Forsyth in a surprisingly secretive ceremony. Usually, the Duggars aren’t quite so clandestine about their nuptials. In fact, news of past Duggar weddings was pretty much shouted from every rooftop in Arkansas. This time around, the Duggars even posted a fake wedding registry for Joy-Anna online in an effort to throw fans off the trail. So why was Joy-Anna and Austin’s wedding shrouded in such secrecy? Why, because a new season of Counting On premieres tonight, of course! Yes, now more than ever, the Duggars are reliant on weddings and pregnancies to bring viewers back to their reality show, which has seen its ratings decline steadily over the past two seasons. Joy-Anna and Austin shared certain details on social media, but fans will be forced to tune into tonight’s premiere in order to get the full run-down. And naturally, the rest of the family is in full-blown promo mode at the moment. Earlier today, People magazine published a transcript of a scene from tonight’s episode in which Jessa Duggar gushes about her soon-to-be-married younger sister and. “Being here in the bridal suite while all the girls are getting ready, definitely takes me back to my wedding day,” Jessa says in the episode. “It makes me reminisce about all the sweet memories just hours before my own wedding. I know the excitement that Joy is experiencing right now; the anticipation. It’s a big, big day.” Jessa goes on to describe Joy-Anna’s mindset in the moments before saying “I do”: “Joy is just staying relaxed, she’s not getting worked up,” she says. “She’s just focusing on one thing at a time and getting ready … before we know it, the wedding will be here.” And Jessa’s not the only one feeling nostalgic. It was just a few months ago that Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo , but Jinge is already fondly reflecting on those days like she’s the old lady from Titanic or something: “It really does seem like it was just yesterday that Jeremy and I were walking down the aisle and about to get married,” she says. “I just can’t believe it’s Joy’s time to kiss. I still remember her as the little girl that I would help out with things … it’s crazy that it’s her wedding day, but we’re so excited for her.” “Joy’s time to kiss” is kind of a creepy description, but our creepiness tolerance is pretty high when it comes to the Duggars, so we’ll let that one slide. We will say that someone should shoot Jessa and Jinger an email reminding them that Jana Duggar exists. It can’t be easy to hear your younger sisters gush about how it’s finally time for your even younger sister to start her life while you’re still cooped up at the compound helping to raise your small army of siblings. But hey, this is the life she’s chosen. Yes, we just quoted The Godfather in reference to Jana Duggar. Jana is gangsta and we refuse to back down from that stance. Watch Counting On online in order to get caught up in time for tonight’s premiere. View Slideshow: Joy-Anna Duggar Wedding Photos Released: Check Out Mrs. Forsyth’s Big Day!
Though it’s easy to forget among the numerous scandals and allegations of treason surrounding the Trump administration, Donald Trump’s Presidency has also been filled with suggestions that he and his wife clearly aren’t getting along . Well, it looks like the internet has decided that he has a girlfriend, and they even think that they’ve figured out who. So, when you can’t keep track of who some star is dating or you totally know but you just can’t remember the name, you just pick up your phone or bring up Google and say: “Charlie Sheen girlfriend.” And that’s the way to do it, by the way. Please don’t make search engine algorithms try to make sense of “Who is that actor Charlie Sheen dating again? I forget” It is 2017 and people shouldn’t be typing sentences into Google unless they’re looking to match song lyrics or root out plagiarism. ( His girlfriend is Julia Stambler by the way, but that’s neither here no there) Well, Hope Hicks is Donald Trump’s 28-year-old White House Director of Strategic Communications, and as reported by Inquisitr, people Googling information about her seem to regard her as Donald Trump’s girlfriend . Not everyone, but enough that Google’s infamous suggested searches — the autofill function — seems eager to suggest it. A lot of people don’t know much about Hope. Our first reaction to Hope Hicks’ name was to wonder what it’s like to have a name like “Hope” and work in an administration that embodies despair. But on second thought, we realized that her name makes sense for the Trump White House, given Trump’s base demographics. This is right up there with an NSA whistleblower named “Reality Winner.” Like, if someone were just sitting down and writing all of this for a TV show, they’d probably need to go back and make the names more realistic. But, though Google Trends says that there wasn’t really an uptick in searches for Hope Hicks until a couple of months ago, she’s been with the administration since the beginning. In fact, she was at the notably undercrowded inauguration, seen alongside Kellyanne Conway — both dressed as very different flavors of supervillains. If Kellyanne dressed as a supervillain who sends ransom notes in a jack-in-the-box, Hope dressed as a supervillain who turns her enemies to stone. The thing is that we can’t find any real indications that Hope Hicks is anything more than Trump’s employee. But we think that one factor in making people suggest this is that her looks are … above average. Well above average — she was a model for Ralph Lauren. She does do her makeup like she’s 40, but that’s not at all uncommon for affluent conservative women. Sometimes even when they’re still teenagers. And that’s totally her right; she can wear makeup however she likes. But she still looks like somebody’s 28-year-old stepmom. Trump is notoriously picky, but when viewed alongside racist elf Jeff Sessions and Steve Bannon, who looks like every male NPC in The Witcher , it’s easy to see how she might look appealing to someone like Trump. Add in the apparent marital tension going on in the Trump family, hundreds of millions of people keeping up with news of the administration, and time … and you’re going to see some people speculate. By reputation, Trump is as womanizing as he is orange. We don’t just mean the infamous “grab ’em by the p—y” tape or the fact that he’s had three wives … but those are major factors. Some Twitter users have noted that Hope Hicks’ office is fairly close to his, and suggested that an improper relationship would explain that. Even if it turned out that Hope Hicks is genuinely Trump’s girlfriend, or mistress, or whatever, we’re not going to kid ourselves and imagine that the base that elected him will turn on him for it. Even though they are almost all the same people who acted scandalized by the Monica Lewinsky scandal back in the ’90s. This administration has a massive political advantage, in that the core of Trump’s voters don’t seem to mind anything that he says or does, and it’s hard to think of that changing easily or soon. As far as we know, no one actually has any evidence that Hope and Trump are seeing each other. Ugh, and we do not want to think about what form that “evidence” would take. If that really is what’s going on … we guess we hope she’s into watersports , huh? Sorry; we made it worse. View Slideshow: Donald Trump Complains About “Covfefe,” Twitter Explodes in Hilarious Response
Oops, their bad! The following celebrities haven't just misled the public on a few occasions. They've been caught telling monumental, HUGE lies! These lies were so bold, one almost has to admire them for their audacity. Almost, that is. See what we mean below… 1. Ryan Lochte Ryan Lochte claimed he was held up and robbed at gunpoint during the Rio Olympics. He failed to mention that he actually vandalized a gas station bathroom and the person holding the gun was a security guard who was trying to control Lochte and his teammates. 2. Brian Williams Brian Williams was paid to deliver the news for NBC. But he delivered lies about his experience in Iraq when telling viewers in January of 2015 that a helicopter he was riding in many years earlier had been shot down. It hadn’t been. 3. Steve Rannazzisi Steve Rannazzisi claimed in 2009 that he narrowly escaped death while inside one of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2011. But… nope. He wasn’t there at all. 4. Bill Clinton Clinton once said he did not have sex with “that woman,” Monica Lewinsky, back when he was President and she was an intern. He later had to admit that his penis was in her mouth on more than one occasion. 5. Lance Armstrong Remember all those years that Armstrong spend VEHEMENTLY denying that he ever took performance enhancing drugs? He finally came clean and admitted to it all during an interview with Oprah. 6. Brandy In 2002, Brandy stunned fans when she announced she was pregnant … and had secretly gotten hitched to producer Robert Smith in 2001. The couple then starred on the reality show Brandy: Special Delivery, which tracked the birth of daughter Sy’rai in summer 2002. A year later, the couple announced its separation, but Smith waited another year to reveal that the two were never actually married; they faked it to protect the artist’s image. View Slideshow
We hope you're sitting down for these, people. We hope you're prepared. We hope your jaw is ready for the impact of the fall its about to take when it hits the floor. Because what follows is a list of stunning celebrities confessions that left us reeling back when they first went public… and which still leave us in shock all this time later: 1. I have HIV… Charlie Sheen confirmed this rumor via an exclusive interview with The Today Show. He finally came clean after years of being blackmailed by friends and prostitutes. 2. I took steroids… Yes you did, Lance Armstrong. Following years of adamant denials, Lance Armstrong finally revealed the truth in a 2013 interview with Oprah. 3. I smoked crack… Rob Ford made this confession after talk circulated that a videotape existed of the Toronto Mayor… well… smoking crack. His exact quote will go down in history: “Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine. Probably in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately a year ago.” 4. Okay, I DID have sex with that woman… After denying any sort of inappropriate touching with Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton made a televised address to the nation, admitting to an “improper physical relationship” with his intern. The House of Representatives voted to impeach the president for perjury, but he was subsequently acquitted. 5. I’m gay! Of course Ellen DeGeneres is gay, right? No big deal! Try telling that to the comedian when she went public with this announcement in 1997. 6. I consider myself a woman… Caitlyn Jenner made her gender transformation official when she told Diane Sawyer in April 2015 that she views herself as a woman. View Slideshow
Vince Staples Defends Iggy Azalea Against Character Attacks Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall, twerking, blondes in a single bound… Via HipHopDX “I do not care,” Staples said in a clip that debuted as a part of today’s DX Daily. “White people invented basketball. I don’t care. Why would I care? She getting paid. We speak English, we go to Christian churches. It’s the same thing. Yeah it’s fucked up but you just now getting a whiff of that? That’s what it is. Nobody got mad when Eminem did it. Why you mad at her ’cause she a girl and Eminem would probably slap you? It’s more than that. Azealia Banks got a point with the stuff she saying. Everybody got a point. But at the end of the day we all just got jobs. That’s the way I look at it because a lot of things are culture, you never know where none of this shit come from, man. Of course Hip Hop is something that’s very important to Black people but it’s a lot of other things that are important to us that we tend to neglect like family structure. It is what it is. It happens. “Everybody entitled to their opinion,” he added. “I stay out of all that. I don’t wanna argue with nobody. I wanna be able to pay my rent and I need a carwash right now so I’m ’bout to go do that. I’m just happy I’m able to do the little stuff. I don’t care, all that bigger picture—ain’t nobody give a fuck when my homies got shot in their face. So if you talk about, ‘What you care about?’ That’s what I care about. When the police start paying for some funerals and something like that instead of softball games then I’ll probably have something to say about that issue. It just don’t relate to me. I come from a different place. We got white people [who] gangbang. We got white boys from the hood. Are they appropriating Black culture? Yeah, but them is my niggas because they care just as much as me. Who are you to say what somebody actually love? You can’t say what touched anybody any kind of way. I don’t think that’s up to me personally. That’s not up to me. She might love Hip Hop to her core. That might be what she always wanted to do when she was younger because she seen it on the TV but that’s the reason everybody wanted to do it. We just happen to look like them.” Does young Vince Staples have valid point? Is there a possibility that Iggy has hip-hop in her heart? Image via Splash/XXL
Bernie Goldberg Tells “O’Reilly Factor” Liberals Won’t Criticize Beyoncé Because She’s Black So after Jon Stewart put Mike Huckabee in his place for trying to demonize Beyoncé, Bill O’Reilly called his boy Bernie Goldberg on his show “The O’Reilly Factor” to explain why liberals aren’t down for the witch hunt. Things went a little left when Goldberg brought race into the equation. Here are Goldberg’s exact words: “Liberals would rather drink Drano and walk on broken glass than come off as uncool or square or prudish especially when it’s about sex. So they won’t align themselves with social conservatives even when social conservatives have a legitimate point and the fact that Beyonce is black is not irrelevant either.” We doubt Beyoncé’s blackness has anything to do with it. The crazy part is that plenty of black people do have issues with young girls listening to “Partition” but it’s not like Bey’s ENTIRE catalogue is full of “Monica Lewinsky” references! Video via Media Matters WENN
She also jokingly thanks Beyoncé and Eminem and Lil Wayne, Jeezy, Nicki Minaj, Kid Cudi and a few others for putting her in their lyrics. Monica Lewinsky Gives Speech About Being The Victim Of Cyberbullying Monica Lewinksy addressed the Forbes Under 30 Summit Monday, telling them how at 41, she became the first person to ever be publicly shamed on the Internet. She gives a 23 minute speech about how her experience has made her committed to helping those abused online. It’s worth listening to the full thing. If you watched the whole thing, do you think that she was truly cyberbullied? Or should she have known what she was asking for when she became involved with the very married President of the United States Of America? YouTube
Monica Lewinsky is back, and you know what that means: Lots of BJ jokes! But when she’s not making fun of Bruce Jenner like the rest of us, Lewinksy is forced to endure endless gags (sorry) about the times she gave oral sex to a sitting US president. While she’s kept out of the spotlight in the years since the Bill Clinton sex scandal, the mere mention of Lewinksy’s name brings to mind images of stained blue dresses and improperly placed cigars. Beyonce name-dropped Lewinsky in “Partition” back in May. Just days prior, a controversial New York Post headline claiming that Lewinsky “sucks” went viral online. Needless to say, it’s been a rocky return to public life for the 41-year-old former intern, and her social media debut yesterday didn’t go much smoother. Seemingly all too aware of what was coming (again, sorry) Lewinsky sent out her first tweet, “#HereWeGo” early Monday morning. Within minutes, Lewninsky’s page looked like the minutes from a meeting of late 90s late night comedy writers. Some samples: “Hey I’m just here to drop some loads…of knowledge.” “Can you recommend a good dry cleaner please?” “Insert answer about ML not answering b/c of being too polite to talk with her mouth full.” You get the point. Of course, Lewinsky’s reemergence into public life is part of her campaign to combat cyber bullying, so the reception she’s received on Twitter has only helped to prover her point. Of course, many have pointed out that she’s one of very few Americans to have a presidential scandal named after, and she would have been the butt of jokes in whatever media was available at the time. But the fact remains that the Internet in general and social media in particular provide a sort of stranger-to-victim access that never existed in previous generations, leaving all of us more vulnerable than ever before. And certainly no one is more aware of that frightening truth than Monica Lewinsky.