Stormy Daniels beat up her husband because she didn’t like the way he did laundry. Sure, that’s a little high maintenance and crazy of her, but when you marry a pornstar you know you’re dealing with girls who have issues, whether it is because her dad never hugged her enough, or because her dad hugged her too much and by hugged I mean her mouth around his dick, or because they like the attention and are exhibitionists but don’t realize that after doing it long enough it takes a toll on their soul, leaving them broken down and feeling worthless….but the real issue is how much of a fuckin’ pussy this husband is for calling the cops on her, obviously a publicity stunt, because everyone I know who gets lip from their prostitute wives, bunch the bitch in the jaw and go about their fuckin’ day, they don’t go crying to the police, even like little molested girls have more fuckin’ balls then this motherfucker cuz they usually keep their mouths shut.This kind of bullshit is totally expected from Tampa Florida Porn Trash….and on a side note, I think she probably should have beat up her Plastic Surgeon for givin her such shitty fake tits..they look like throwbacks to what fake tits looked like when they were first invented.. she is some sloppy lookin’ piece of shit….
Excerpt from:
Stormy Daniels is Fuckin’ Crazy of the Day