Gunmen kidnapped two American tourists in Yemen. They’ve apparently just been released. But who goes “touring” in Yemen? Did they not hear about this dude named Anwar Al-Awlaki, who is behind many recent Islamic terrorist attacks and attempted attacks on U.S. soil. His call to kill Americans might be a hint: Don’t. Go. To. Yemen. Dummies. These people are idiots. And I bet they’re either Muslims, themselves, or really, really delusional left-wingers who still see world-class armpits like Yemen as “exotic” locales for touring, and still romanticize Islam (while they hate all other religions except Buddhism). “Oh, look, Amber. Check out those charming headscarves. How quaint. Ditto for that ornate beheading knife, which I’m sure is only used on sheep.” Then, there are Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd, and Josh Fattal–the three faux-journalists stuck in jail in Iran. The three are really pan-Islamist, anti-Israel far-lefties living in Damascus, Syria. One of them, Fattal, is supposedly Jewish. What kind of dumbass Jew from America goes hiking in Iran? Only an imbecile-owitz. Fattal and the other two knew better. If they’re living in the torturistan of the Assads (Syria), they knew full well not to go “hiking” in Iran. But they did anyway. Now, Iran and the mothers of these three Islamo-pandering stooges are pushing a “prisoner exchange deal” with the U.S. The Sarkozy idiots in France just did one, last week, releasing an Iranian arms dealer and refusing to extradite him to the U.S. for his criminal nuclear parts purchases (on behalf of Iran), in exchange for some far left French academic who went to Iran (another “tourist” who should have been left to rot there). And finally, there are Laura Ling and her sister, Lisa Ling. They’ve written a book about Laura Ling’s imprisonment in North Korea. Who told her to go there? If you go to Kim Jong-Il’s antithesis of Wonka World, you know what to expect. You’re gonna be imprisoned and tortured. She chose to go. But, instead of saying: you went at your own risk and you knew the consequences, so there’s nothing we can do, the U.S. did biz with Kim. Bill Clinton was interrupted from his position as Chief Justice of the Hawaiian Tropic bikini contest to negotiate and rescue these two faux-heroines. Now Laura and Lisa Ling’s book is all the rage on Oprah (for whom Lisa Ling reports regular propaganda), People Magazine, and everywhere else. My favorite headline is the People Magazine blare: “ESCAPE FROM NORTH KOREA.” Um, here’s a tip, People: no one escaped. The U.S. State Department and Bill Clinton repeatedly cajoled and posed to get these two spoiled, whiny women out of North Korea. added by: crystalman