Her 8-year-old son, James Wilkie, wants to be an actor, and he’s eager to start auditioning. But don’t get too excited, she isn’t sure when it will happen. Sarah Jessica Parker was interviewed for this Sunday’s PARADE magazine and the actress opened up about her home life and the future of “Sex and the City”. Check out some of the interview below: Her 8-year-old son, James Wilkie, wants to be an actor, and he’s eager to start auditioning. “I don’t want him to do it until after he goes to college: But part of me thinks maybe it’s better if he knows the truth now about how hard it is to be a working actor. I don’t know that he grasps what it took to get us here.” Parker acknowledges that her childhood left her with money anxieties and that she’s eager to capitalize on her earning power. “I have a lot of responsibilities outside myself. I have a large family. I want to know I can always be helpful. I guess I worry.” On tying with Angelina Jolie for the top spot on Forbes’ list of highest-earning actresses. “Where do they get these numbers? I didn’t plot a future like this, although I know some people do. When Matthew and I started working, all we knew is that we wanted to be great actors. I don’t think I ever thought about money or that people would know my name. I loooove the work! When I was a little girl getting free lunches in Cincinnati, could I imagine being on a list in Forbes magazine?” On the difficulty of balancing career and motherhood. “We’ve had two occasions recently where both Matthew and I were working, and it was so hard on the kids. Especially James Wilkie, because he can really articulate how he feels about our absence. On the other hand, there are big chunks of time when we’re home a lot more than conventionally working parents. So you hope to make up for it.” On fraternal twins Loretta and Tabitha. “They’re talking, they’re running, they need me. Loretta is deeply inquisitive: ‘Do you see that, do you hear that, Mama?’ She constantly checks that we are connecting with her.” Her sister is the family princess: “Tabitha does not give; she receives.” Babysitters? Yes. Live-in help? Not for them. “We love closing the door and having the only people in the house be our three children and us. It’s such a good feeling to know that we’re competent and capable and that it’s private.” On the things Broderick has helped her appreciate after nearly 20 years together. Baseball, Parmesan cheese, color (“Matthew’s mother was a painter, and he taught me to love colors and break all the rules”). She also says that “he’s given me a little cynicism,” noting that she used to take the world at face value but that her husband is more skeptical. “I’m less Pollyanna now. That’s probably healthy.” For her part, Parker has shared her love of ballet, and, she says, “I make him [get out and] do things. We go to the theater and we travel because I plan it.” Any chance for a third Sex and the City movie? “There is. I know what the story is. It’s a small story, but I think it should be told. The question is, what’s the right time to tell it?” There you have it folks. A lot of people were not happy with “Sex And The City 2,” with the money they could make off a third movie it seems like a given it will happen, but do you think it’s a mistake? What would you want to see happen in “Sex And The City 3″???
Original post:
Surprise, Surprise… Sarah Jessica Parker Says There Will Be A “Sex And The City 3″
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