Taylor Swift is the biggest star at least in terms of popularity, record sales, and how she’s marketed herself over the last 5 years. So it is only natural that anyone who is anyone with any level of access to her, is going to friend her, because who wouldn’t want to be partying with the single most important person with the greatest reach on social media and really all media…it’s like the best selfie or tag to get on that shit..instant relevance… It’s also natural that Victoria’s Secret would do that same play with her as they did with Leonardo by positioning their models with her, creating lesbian slumber fantasies, because she’s over men – according her all her cheesy, quick to market, girl power songs…it’s good for marketing.. So this may be a paid for, sponsored event, or it may be fame whores with the leader who is famous, but either way…lots of legs to potentially clit on clit scissor grind… TO SEE PICS OF TAYLORE LEGS WITH SOME HIPSTER GROUPIES CLICK HERE
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Taylor Swift and Martha Hunt and Gigi Hadid and Other Models are New Lesbians of the Day