The Rest of the Self Absorbed, Narcissist Naked Beyonce Pregnancy Shoot of the Day

The problem in our society is that cunts like Beyonce are celebrated as gods, as moral leaders, as the people all these other people they have brain washed and marketed themselves to in a scamming money making scheme that works…because everything about Beyonce is fucking terrible, garbage, negative, self indulgent, spoiled brat narcissist…who goes so far as to stage cheesy pregnancy photoshoots – because she either knows the world will eat it up and talk about it – and she can sell some songs…are keep people thinking about her while she’s gone to be a MOM and pregnant breeding farm animal with a litter of pieces of shit inside her…I hate beyonce… This is like a stripper coming back to the club for one weekend of pure pregnancy lab dances for her regulars, you know a cash in, a give them a taste of her pregnancy, because they’ll like it, as lonely men they fantasize about knocking a bitch up….not that strippers really leave when pregnant – they need the money for their meth… So this is worse than a stripper…working through her pregnancy because she needs the money – because BEYONCE has the fucking money – enough money to shut the fuck up and disappear…but instead – she still brings in as people call her the QUEEN and she channels Jesus’ crown of thornes…what the fuck… If there was a god, he would have drowned this demon in the underwater portion of the shoot..I mean him or Jay Z jus to shut this garbage up.. The worst….but probably better than when she starts stage parenting all these spawns of hers…that’ll be the actual worst… The post The Rest of the Self Absorbed, Narcissist Naked Beyonce Pregnancy Shoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Rest of the Self Absorbed, Narcissist Naked Beyonce Pregnancy Shoot of the Day

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