These 7 Songs Will Have You Feeling Thankful AF This Thanksgiving

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Source: GMVozd / Getty With the holidays approaching, it’s a good time to get the spirit of gratitude flowing in your life.  And there’s nothing like music to put you in a thankful mood and appreciative mood.   There’s so much malice going on in the world right now that words like “gratitude” and “joy” are fading from our vocabularies. When it comes to linguistics, we’re slacking as a nation. Fear-driven words like “shooting” and “disease” have taken over our psyche.   If you didn’t think that words had power, guess again. According to an article on , “Words have power. Their meaning crystallizes perceptions that shape our beliefs, drive our behavior, and ultimately, create our world. Their power arises from our emotional responses when we read, speak, or hear them. Just say the word “fire” while barbequing, or in the workplace, or in a crowded theater, and you’ll get three completely different but powerful emotional and energetic reactions.” That may explain why certain songs can totally shift your vibration from low to high.You ever notice that even if you listen to a holiday song in July, it starts to feels like Christmas. Or you can listen to your favorite song and it instantly takes you back to the moment you first heard it or fell in love with it? That’s the power of music. That’s the power of sound. Halloween may have the dopest movies, and you can listen to anything on your birthday — but Christmas is pretty much the only holiday to have it’s own category in music.  Oh but that stops now. In honor of Turkey Day, we put together a list of hip hop tracks that will surely get you in the mood to give thanks.  Enjoy the sounds of these inspiring tunes that will help you feel grateful for all that you have this year.

These 7 Songs Will Have You Feeling Thankful AF This Thanksgiving

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