HBO premiered its Mildred Pierce miniseries this weekend, and it hit the ground running with some dark, but still delectable, nudity from muff master Kate Winslet . Evan Rachel Wood ‘s merkin hasn’t made its entrance yet, so we’re expecting Mildred Pierce to keep the nudity coming fast and hard…so you can too! In other TV nudes, the season finale of Shameless aired last night, and it’s leaving us feeling a bit…conflicted here at Skin Central. The much-hoped-for Sapphic seduction of knockout nudecomer Emmy Rossum by trained topless professional Amy Smart failed to deliver- in fact, in a rare show of restraint, Emmy kept her clothes on for the entire episode. But sweet, sweet consolation came in the form of Laura Wiggins , who bared her sin cushions in the sack with her boy toy. How bittersweet. See the sexy pics from Mildred Pierce and Shameless after the jump!
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TV Nudity Report: Shameless Season Finale & Mildred Pierce Premiere [PICS]