Update: Death Of FAMU Drum Major Robert Champion Has Been Ruled A Homicide

Ladies and gentlemen, the isht has officially hit the fan. Via CNN.com : The death of Robert Champion Jr. , the 26-year-old Florida A&M University student and drum major who died last month after a suspected hazing incident, has been ruled a homicide, according to a medical examiner. The Friday afternoon announcement came just as Florida Gov. Rick Scott wrapped up a meeting with James Ammons, the university’s president, whose suspension he recommended amid an investigation into various issues at the university — including Champion’s death. Orange County officials said in a statement that Champion died November 19 because of “hemorrhagic shock, due to soft tissue hemorrhage, due to blunt force trauma sustained during a hazing incident.” He died in Orlando, where the band had been playing. Associate Medical Examiner Sara Irrgang performed the autopsy on Champion, overseen by Chief Medical Examiner Jan Garavaglia. According to the release, they noted that Champion was “previously healthy (when he) collapsed and died within an hour of a hazing incident during which he suffered multiple blunt trauma blows to his body.” He complained that he was thirsty and tired immediately after the incident and, minutes later, lost his eyesight. “These symptoms are consistent with hypotension or shock,” the statement noted. Some band members have said Champion may have died after a rite of passage called “crossing Bus C.” One member, who spoke on condition of anonymity, explained students “walk from the front of the bus to the back of the bus back backward while the bus is full of other band members, and you get beaten until you get to the back.” The autopsy found that Champion had “extensive contusions of his chest, arms, shoulder and back.” There was no evidence of “natural disease except for a slightly enlarged heart.” The young man’s father, Robert Champion Sr., said, “We are pleased to find out what caused our son’s death.” “Now, we need to move forward, so this doesn’t have to happen to any other kid,” the father said in a statement. SMH. So sad… What do you think this is going to mean for FAMU’s band program? More On Bossip! More Basketball Wives Beef!!! Evelyn, Shaunie And Tami Light Up Twitter Over “False Email Claims” Making It Rain On Them Hoes: Forbes List Top Ten Earning Women In Music 2011 #HumbleBrag: Celebrities That Talk About Their Weird Body Insecurities 2nd Time’s The Charm? Famous 2nd Marriages…Did They Work Or Fail?

Update: Death Of FAMU Drum Major Robert Champion Has Been Ruled A Homicide

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