Tag Archives: chief-medical

So Sad: Baltimore Woman Found Pushing Dead 3-Year-Old Son On Swing For Hours

Woman Found Pushing Dead Son On Swing For Hours A woman was found pushing her dead 3-year-old son in a park swing Friday, and authorities say she may have been there for hours, or even since the day before. Via HuffPo : There were no obvious signs of foul play, but it has not been ruled out, said Diane Richardson, a spokeswoman with the Charles County Sheriff’s Office. Richardson said authorities are trying to trace the 24-year-old woman’s movements over the past several days “to find out what was going on in her life, what led to this moment.” Sheriff’s deputies went to the park in La Plata, Maryland, about 7 a.m. after being called to check on the welfare of the woman and child, Richardson said. The officers went to remove the boy from the swing and give him first aid, but “it was instantaneously clear the child was dead,” she said. There were no signs of trauma to his body. Deputies cut the chain on the swing’s seat and removed the body, which was taken to the Officer of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore. A spokesman for the medical examiner said he couldn’t provide any information. The woman, whom police did not identify, was able to answer some of the deputies’ questions before being taken to a local hospital for a medical evaluation, Richardson said. She listed several addresses, including one in Washington and another in Charles County, where La Plata is located, Richardson said. She said the woman also had stayed with a relative in the county. La Plata is about 30 miles southeast of Washington, with a population of about 8,700, according to the town’s website. What the hell!?!?

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So Sad: Baltimore Woman Found Pushing Dead 3-Year-Old Son On Swing For Hours

Joan Rivers Cause of Death Revealed: New York Medical Examiner Releases Long-Awaited Findings

When Joan Rivers died following a routine surgical procedure in August, the doctors in charge of the operation were accused of negligence and malpractice by a number of medical experts and media outlets. Joan Rivers Photos: One of a Kind 1. R.I.P. Joan Rivers (1933-2014) R.I.P. Joan Rivers (1933-2014). She will never be forgotten. Investigations revealed a number of suspicious details, such as the fact that Rivers’ doctor snapped a selfie while the operation was underway. Rivers’ cause of death remained undetermined following a standard autopsy, so the office of New York’s Chief Medical Examiner launched an investigation of its own.  The results – released today – show that Rivers died from a lack of oxygen to her brain, possibly as the result of the sedative Propofol. The Examiner has labeled the incident a “predictable complication.” It now looks as though no criminal charges will be filed against Rivers’ doctors, though the comedy legend’s family may still pursue a civil case. The investigation also revealed that Rivers underwent the procedure in order to investigate changes in her famously raspy voice, as well as to treat acid reflux. Joan remained in a coma for several days following the procedure. She eventually passed away on September 4 at the age of 81. Rivers’ funeral was attended by a wide array of celebrity guests ranging from Hugh Jackman to Howard Stern. 9 Hilarious Joan Rivers Moments 1. Joan Hosts the Tonight Show Joan was a frequent guest and fill-in host on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show. She and Carson never spoke again after she launched a rival late night show.

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Joan Rivers Cause of Death Revealed: New York Medical Examiner Releases Long-Awaited Findings

Breakups: Chaz Bono May Have Man Parts Now But He’s Still Acting Like A C__t!

Chaz Bono sounds like a real drag. No pun intended. The “Dancing With The Stars” alum recently broke off his two-year engagement with longtime honey Jennifer Elia because he listened to Drake’s “Marvin’s Room” so much he’s convinced that he can do better she’s broke and can’t handle her liquor. Although he popped the question to girlfriend Jennifer Elia two years ago, and presented her with a ring on his reality TV show “Being Chaz,” the couple’s romance is kaput, sources say. “Chaz is totally over the relationship,” divulged an insider. “His parting shot to Jen made her realize there was no turning back. He told her, ‘I can do better than you.’ He wanted someone who could ride the wave of success with him but found Jen too much of a downer. “Chaz is already on the lookout for someone new and made it clear to Jen. He told her, ‘I’ve tried, but you just aren’t right for me. I’ve got to move on.’” Chaz — born Chastity Bono, the daughter of Cher and the late Sonny Bono — was with Jennifer, 36, for six years. But sources say their relationship began to suffer after Chaz underwent gender reassignment surgery in 2009. To make matters worse, Jennifer is unemployed while Chaz, 42, has become a media darling thanks to his recent stint on “Dancing with the Stars.” “Jen constantly gripes about not being able to find a job and her lack of money,” the insider confided. “She nags at Chaz about his weight and for the last few months her insomnia has been so bad that they don’t even sleep together.” But the couple’s biggest problem was Jen’s booze relapse, said the source. “When she drinks, Jen becomes a completely different person,” explained the source. “Chaz just can’t handle her then.” Sounds like they’re skirting the real issue here — that newfangled man part isn’t getting the job done. Source More On Bossip! More Basketball Wives Beef!!! Evelyn, Shaunie And Tami Light Up Twitter Over “False Email Claims” Making It Rain On Them Hoes: Forbes List Top Ten Earning Women In Music 2011 #HumbleBrag: Celebrities That Talk About Their Weird Body Insecurities 2nd Time’s The Charm? Famous 2nd Marriages…Did They Work Or Fail?

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Breakups: Chaz Bono May Have Man Parts Now But He’s Still Acting Like A C__t!

Update: Death Of FAMU Drum Major Robert Champion Has Been Ruled A Homicide

Ladies and gentlemen, the isht has officially hit the fan. Via CNN.com : The death of Robert Champion Jr. , the 26-year-old Florida A&M University student and drum major who died last month after a suspected hazing incident, has been ruled a homicide, according to a medical examiner. The Friday afternoon announcement came just as Florida Gov. Rick Scott wrapped up a meeting with James Ammons, the university’s president, whose suspension he recommended amid an investigation into various issues at the university — including Champion’s death. Orange County officials said in a statement that Champion died November 19 because of “hemorrhagic shock, due to soft tissue hemorrhage, due to blunt force trauma sustained during a hazing incident.” He died in Orlando, where the band had been playing. Associate Medical Examiner Sara Irrgang performed the autopsy on Champion, overseen by Chief Medical Examiner Jan Garavaglia. According to the release, they noted that Champion was “previously healthy (when he) collapsed and died within an hour of a hazing incident during which he suffered multiple blunt trauma blows to his body.” He complained that he was thirsty and tired immediately after the incident and, minutes later, lost his eyesight. “These symptoms are consistent with hypotension or shock,” the statement noted. Some band members have said Champion may have died after a rite of passage called “crossing Bus C.” One member, who spoke on condition of anonymity, explained students “walk from the front of the bus to the back of the bus back backward while the bus is full of other band members, and you get beaten until you get to the back.” The autopsy found that Champion had “extensive contusions of his chest, arms, shoulder and back.” There was no evidence of “natural disease except for a slightly enlarged heart.” The young man’s father, Robert Champion Sr., said, “We are pleased to find out what caused our son’s death.” “Now, we need to move forward, so this doesn’t have to happen to any other kid,” the father said in a statement. SMH. So sad… What do you think this is going to mean for FAMU’s band program? More On Bossip! More Basketball Wives Beef!!! Evelyn, Shaunie And Tami Light Up Twitter Over “False Email Claims” Making It Rain On Them Hoes: Forbes List Top Ten Earning Women In Music 2011 #HumbleBrag: Celebrities That Talk About Their Weird Body Insecurities 2nd Time’s The Charm? Famous 2nd Marriages…Did They Work Or Fail?

Update: Death Of FAMU Drum Major Robert Champion Has Been Ruled A Homicide

Swine Flu — All the Rage in Hollywood

It’s the newest craze sweeping through Hollywood — celebrities with Swine Flu!!!! And now two new members are on the infectious bandwagon! CNN’s chief medical expert Dr. Sanjay Gupta just got over his bout with the Swine Flu — and Marilyn Manson … Permalink

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Swine Flu — All the Rage in Hollywood