“High School Musical” star Vanessa Hudgens career and popularity survived the 2007 nude photos leaked to the media. At the time, she claimed they were for her boyfriend only and was sorry she ever took them as she apologized to her fans.
Here it is two years later and again there is news of nude pictures of her making it to the internet. Where the pictures were taken or how they leaked to the web is unknown at this time. Miss Hudgens and her lawyers and not commenting.
Blogger Perez Hilton states he has spoken to lawyers for the starts and they asked him to remove the pictures from his site. They say she was underage when they were taken. Perez also wrote that in the beginning he was unsure if the photos were legit or not and now believes they definitely are. He also states that the lawyers saying they were taken when she was underage is the easiest way to get them removed from the internet.
Sources close to Hudgens have confirmed the pictures are of her but claim they are not actually new. They state they are from the first set taken in 2007.
Even though understandably upset and having upset millions of fans Vanessa Hudgens will be at her movie premier “Bandslam”, which is to open nationwide on August 14,2009.
More pictures of Vanessa Hudgens (click any photo):
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Vanessa Hudgens Pictures, Vanessa Hudgens Pictures Leaked Online