Victoria’s Secret Swim Infomercial Trailer of the Day

Victoria’s Secret has a new informercial that Sports Illustrated is mad about, and that I don’t really understand because I am bored of Victoria’s Secret and can’t really grasp why anyone would watch their nonsense on TV like it fucking matters, when they can just walk into any mall and buy a fucking bikini…so instead they’ll have you watching their babes who are overpaid, strut around in their bikinis, like it’s some kind of informative or tantalizing thing, when we have access to porn or millions of pictures and videos of these girls, when really it is just a PR stunt, the only way CBS gets viewers, designed for idiots who still have cable TV, all to sell bikinis to bitches who shouldn’t wear bikinis…sounds awesome. The post Victoria’s Secret Swim Infomercial Trailer of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Victoria’s Secret Swim Infomercial Trailer of the Day

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