The first trailer for the remake of another classic horror film — Stephen King’s Carrie — is out, and it’s looking anemic compared to the bloody and blood-curdling promotional campaign that Evil Dead has waged over the last several months. Boys Don’t Cry director Kimberly Peirce is certainly capable of bringing something original to this story, but, based on the trailer, I don’t see it. The only new twist I detect appears to be that Carrie’s traumatic first encounter with menstruation is going to end up on the Internet thanks to a cell-phone wielding mean girl in the scene. The rest of the action in this clip appears to copy the plot of Brian De Palma’s original 1976 adaptation without upping the fright factor. There’s another factor to consider that a reader raised the last time I wrote about this movie : Even beneath a an awful haircut, Carrie star Chloe Grace Moretz’s beauty shines through, which makes it difficult to believe that she could be a weird pariah in high school. What do you think? Let me know in the comments section. Follow Frank DiGiacomo on Twitter. Follow Movieline on Twitter.
Continued here:
WATCH: ‘Carrie’ Not Scary? New Trailer Gets An ‘F’ In Fright Dept.
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