Why Wikileaks is not the Enemy

By David P Shirk Over the news there has been much debate on the legal and moral ramifications caused by the whistleblowers and the companies like wiki-leaks that disseminated the information from them. Yet just like most things political, the idea behind it is overlooked. The nay-sayers on the issue who believe that wikileakes should be prosecuted as a terrorist organization, and that people like Bradley Manning should be held for treason (or at the very least for breaking his confidentiality agreement), do so on the grounds that it is necessary to maintain national security. Those like Holder typically acknowledge the fact that not only does the government lie and spin stories to obtain a certain response, but then take advantage of the ensuing actions. These lies and spin stories are kept secret from the American people on the grounds that it would damage our national security. Yet do lies and spin stories make a nation secure? I would think 9-11 proved the answer is no. I would think that making our entire nation appear to be made of lying cheaters would also indicate no. So why do they do it? In a nation where it is believed that the government only acts within the interest of the people paints the real picture though. For the most part, Americans elect their leaders using the best knowledge they have to decide what policy is best for our country. So if the truth is buried out of sight from the eye of the people, how on earth can they make an intelligent vote? They can’t. All they can do is act on the knowledge they are given or is available. This makes it very clear that the government either believes that Americans are to stupid to handle the truth, or that they will maintain their power and control over the people at all costs. In the first case we are looked at as nothing amore than fools, and in the second, as nothing more than subjects under their guidance. Either way it is not conducive to the ideals of liberty, freedom, or prosperity. Quite the opposite in fact. If government is indeed elected by the people, then keeping them in the dark as to the reality of any policy the government takes only ensures that two types of people will get elected. Those who seek to control others, and those whose ignorance appeals to the people. Both depend on a dependency of the people on the government to keep them informed as to the actions the government takes. When the government is not truthful or honest with its people, then the cycle can only continue. So it is of no surprise at all that wikileaks and other whistleblowers are being hounded by the government. Take Manning for example. He saw something that he knew damn well was not right. He knew that those in charge would not do anything about it as they were the ones enacting the evils. So he appealed to the only audience he thought would do the right thing – the American people. Surely the killing of unarmed children and civilians would set them into a frenzy to do something. Yet nothing did, and how sick is that? People judge Manning as a traitor and wikileaks as a terrorist organization because that’s what the news and government tells them to think. This is not only the height of the abuse of power, but a clear picture as to why the American people need to wise up. It is also most disturbing that they would make such charges against people who try to do the right thing, while at the same time, ignoring the blatant fact that those who they trust with their security and defense are killing, lying, torturing, and manipulating not only foreign markets but their governments as well. Then they dare call Manning a traitor and wikileaks the terrorists! People often criticize the Nazi’s for allowing Hitler into power and commit atrocities and spreading propaganda – sure would be nice if they held their own government as responsible for such things as oppose to supporting it. http://www.peacefreedomprosperity.com/?p=3800 added by: shanklinmike

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