Vladimir Putin says that America is one to lecture others about “Democracy”. In a report from RT news this report about the response from Putin over American criticism of his country. In another report, one leaked document has led to a firestorm as Moscow now demands an explanation for revelations that a planned covert action was planned by the US towards Russia. Could it be that these documents are going to cut short America's Imperial Ambitions as the public in other countries begin to see that America is about corporate corruption and money and greed and projection of power, America will loose a major part of their credibility and ability to project that power…even though they have such massive military spending in comparison to the other state actors in the world. The pressure exerted by America seeking to remain the world's sole hegemonic power is that it forces all the allies to consider teaming up to form another alliance. The whole secrecy of international policy or foreign policy in the US is what propels the corruption of corporate power and for a long time it has served as a way for the US to brand “America” like a product and sell the “idea” to the people of the world that it is the “shinning city on the hill that will bring justice to mankind….etc”, but people weigh this in their minds against what they actually see what America does and now the revelations of corporate influence in the wars in Africa, its amazing that people can't see that Wikileaks serves a higher purpose, regardless of what you think about the media image of Julian Assange. This information that gets released can serve as a great equalizer and ensure that no one country has the power to dominate the entire world, for such to allow such a power to exist threatens the entire human race. We know for a fact that most of these government “professional managers” are there to fill their own pockets and that corruption is at the highest levels and trickles down all the way to its underbelly. Most average people who get their information from Mainstream Media Outlets don't get the real story but the censored story that makes America always look like the hero of the story, regardless of the scandal that surrounds individuals that get caught doing the dirty work. http://rt.com/politics/putin-cow-wikileaks/ The wiki revelations are taking over the job the fourth estate was always intended to do, uncover the corruption and blow the whistle. But once the fourth estate became all about profit, then the master it served changed, from the people to the stockholders. I would be interested to hear about what you think about these ideas… added by: jubal