Even the most dazzling casino lights that envelope the metropolis of Las Vegas has dimmed as they participated in the Earth Hour. Cities in 92 countries observed this annual event to show support for taking action on climate change. This event began in Sydney Asutralia in 2007 by a non-profit environmental group WWF Countries and regions who participated for the first time includes the world’s newest country Kosovo, the remote island nation of Madagascar, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, Cambodia, Czech Republic, Paraguay, Ecuador and the U.S. Commonwealth of the Northern Marina Islands in the Pacific Ocean. “Earth Hour demonstrates the determination of the world’s citizens for a better, healthier world,” said Earth Hour Executive Director, Andy Ridley. “It brings together cities, communities, businesses and individuals on the journey to positive action on climate change.” World Dims on Earth Hour is a post from: Daily World Buzz
World Dims on Earth Hour