Brad Pitt faces off against zombies in the first peek at World War Z , the anticipated and notoriously troubled book adaptation that has Hollywood aflutter. Are those notorious behind-the-scenes woes evident from these 30 seconds of footage? More importantly: Will Pitt’s gloriously shaggy mane keep its luster as he flees from these hordes of CG zombies? Entertainment Tonight has the first look (they’ll debut a full peek on November 8): Even compensating for the annoying infotainment voice-over and terrible picture quality, this just a little… underwhelming. This is the kind of I Am Legend -esque zombie CG $170 million and counting buys you? That said, I do love me some Mireille Enos even if my brain isn’t ready to accept the idea of her and Pitt as a couple. Does not quite compute. I look at her frantically on the phone with Pitt in this trailer tease and think of Linden frantically on her flip phone with her neglected teenage son, chewing Nicorette, hunting down perps in Seattle while being the worst mother ever. And then I think back to The Killing , which I loved even if it was two seasons of red herrings and Holderisms, because remember Holder? God , I loved him. I’d like to think Holder would survive a zombie apocalypse. Hiding out underneath a hoodie, calling zombies names like “home slice.” Yeah. Give me that movie. World War Z zombie-runs into theaters on June 21, 2013. Let’s hope seven months is enough time to make those CG effects look vaguely realistic. Leave your thoughts below. [ Entertainment Tonight ]
Read more here:
‘World War Z’ First Look: It’s Brad Pitt Vs. CG Zombies