DMX Now Has 15 Children, Girlfriend Give Birth To Baby Boy We feel confident that DMX has only worn a condom a handful of times in his life, but it’s quite possible that he’s never worn one. After all, this is the man who once rapped: I’m a crudy n***a, goin’ raw dog in dirty b!t¢#es, and if I get burnt I’m givin’ that s#!t to 30 b!t¢#es! Yeah. According to TMZ , Dark Man X and his girlfriend, Desiree, are the proud parents to a bouncing baby boy. Exodus Simmons was born late Friday night in New York weighing in at 6 lbs, 10 oz. Unfortunately, X wasn’t around when Exodus was born, but arrived in NYC to see his boy the following day. Earl told TMZ the that baby is a “blessing”. What these b!t¢#es want from a n***a? More kids we guess… Flip the page to see more of Earl and Desiree. Images via Twitter
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X Gon’ Give ‘Em To Ya: DMX Now Has 15 Children, Girlfriend Desiree Welcomes Home A New Baby Boy!