Tag Archives: exodus-simmons

DMX To Be Released From Prison Next Month

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Source: Raymond Hall / Getty DMX was sentenced to a year in prison for tax evasion, but good news is he’s getting out next month. As expected, the proud father is eager to see his kids and get his career back on track. According to the icon ‘s attorney, who spoke with TMZ , “X will be released from Gilmer Federal Correctional Institution on Jan. 27, and he’s excited about coming home to his family and resuming his rap and movie career. DMX has a huge fam — 15 kids to be exact — and he’s anxious to see his youngest son, 2-year-old Exodus Simmons, who we’re told has had serious health problems.” Despite issues with the law and drug addiction , the site also states DMX has been getting offers from movie producers for a biopic. X is also reportedly planning to drop a new album when he’s released. Stay tuned. Photo: Getty

DMX To Be Released From Prison Next Month

X Gon’ Give ‘Em To Ya: DMX Now Has 15 Children, Girlfriend Desiree Welcomes Home A New Baby Boy!

DMX Now Has 15 Children, Girlfriend Give Birth To Baby Boy We feel confident that DMX has only worn a condom a handful of times in his life, but it’s quite possible that he’s never worn one. After all, this is the man who once rapped: I’m a crudy n***a, goin’ raw dog in dirty b!t¢#es, and if I get burnt I’m givin’ that s#!t to 30 b!t¢#es! Yeah. According to TMZ , Dark Man X and his girlfriend, Desiree, are the proud parents to a bouncing baby boy. Exodus Simmons was born late Friday night in New York weighing in at 6 lbs, 10 oz. Unfortunately, X wasn’t around when Exodus was born, but arrived in NYC to see his boy the following day. Earl told TMZ the that baby is a “blessing”. What these b!t¢#es want from a n***a? More kids we guess… Flip the page to see more of Earl and Desiree. Images via Twitter

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X Gon’ Give ‘Em To Ya: DMX Now Has 15 Children, Girlfriend Desiree Welcomes Home A New Baby Boy!