Following skepticism about Kutcher’s ability to pull off playing Apple founder, photos of the actor in costume have surfaced. By Kevin P. Sullivan Ashton Kutcher Photo: Dr. Billy Ingram/ WireImage It may have been difficult to picture practical joker Ashton Kutcher portraying Steve Jobs after it was announced he would lead an upcoming biopic about the former Apple innovator. Some comparison photos certainly helped, but now TMZ has the first shots of Kutcher in full Jobs regalia, mock turtleneck and all. The paparazzi snapped a few pictures of Kutcher outside of a Starbucks in what is reportedly his full costume for the tentatively titled movie “Jobs: Get Inspired.” In addition to the signature black mock turtleneck, Kutcher is wearing loose-fitting jeans and cross trainers, an outfit anyone familiar with Jobs would recognize as his style. Kutcher joined the film back in April to a decidedly mixed response, but after a comparison image with side-by-side photos of a long-haired Kutcher and Jobs from the 1970s started to pop up on the Web, the resemblance was hard to deny. Directed by “Swing Vote” helmer Joshua Michael Stern, “Jobs” will examine the Apple founder’s life and innovations from the 1970s to the end of the 20th century. “Book of Mormon” breakout Josh Gad signed on a few weeks after Kutcher to play Jobs’ partner and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. The role comes at a tumultuous time for Kutcher. After a very public breakup from wife Demi Moore, Kutcher stirred controversy twice with comments made about former Penn State coach Joe Paterno’s firing and, more recently, a Pop Chips ad that featured the actor made up to appear Indian and adopting a mock accent. “Jobs” is set to be released sometime next year. For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit .
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Ashton Kutcher Spotted In Steve Jobs Costume