Eight-time VMA winner Gaga cries, shouts and stands up for causes whenever she hits the stage. By Mawuse Ziegbe Lady Gaga accepts the Video of the Year award during the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards Photo: Kevin Winter/ Getty Images Lady Gaga’s eight wins at the 2010 Video Music Awards not only broke yet another record for the budding icon but delivered more of the signature Gaga sound bites the singer is known for unleashing. When she nabbed the first two Moonmen of the night on Sunday, she brought the American military’s controversial “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy into the limelight. Gaga gave a shout-out to “all the gays for remixing this video over and over,” when “Bad Romance” snagged Best Female Video . And when she was handed the coveted Video of the Year for the song, she revealed the title of her hotly anticipated third effort, Born This Way, and even belted out a lyric.
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Lady Gaga’s Statement-Making Speeches: A Timeline