New clip, directed by Anthony Mandler, sees the pair portraying the Kennedys. By James Montgomery Lana Del Rey and A$AP Rocky already made minor waves when a song they recorded together, “Ridin’,” was yanked from production duo Kickdrums’ mixtape at the last minute — reportedly because Rocky liked the track so much, he decided to keep it for his own upcoming full-length, LongLiveA$AP. But from the sound of things, their next collaboration could make major headlines: The duo will play John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy in the video for LDR’s “National Anthem.” Rocky broke the news in an interview with a German reporter, saying the “Anthem” video is sure to get people’s attention, even if they probably won’t understand what they’re seeing. “We did a video together … [it’s] some swag sh–,” he said. “I play JFK, she plays Jackie O, you know, some cool, trippy sh–, some really 2015 sh–. People gonna get it in like three years, and that’s the whole purpose of it.” Totally. Of course, in another interview with BBC Radio 1 , Del Rey revealed that, in addition to its rather unique take on the Camelot couple, the “National Anthem” video would also be 10 minutes long and directed by Anthony Mandler (who recently helmed Fun.’s epic “Some Nights” clip). “Every so often, I top what I’ve done, and this video is definitely the most beautiful thing I’ve ever done,” she said. “I wrote a treatment for me and A$AP Rocky, because i just thought he’d be really perfect to star in it. … I love it.” Sadly, Mandler is about the only person who isn’t talking about the video. In an email to MTV News, he said he couldn’t speak about the video “until I know when the release is.” But rest assured, it’s coming soon — and you’re probably going to be talking about it for a long time after. Related Artists A$AP Rocky Lana Del Rey
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Lana Del Rey’s ‘National Anthem’ Video: A$AP Rocky As JFK?