Michael Jackson Doctor Claimed He ‘Took All Precautions’

Recording of Conrad Murray’s interview with police two days after Jackson’s death was played in court Friday (October 7). By Gil Kaufman Elissa Fleak Photo: Pool/ Getty Images After a day in which the defense attorney for Dr. Conrad Murray went on the offensive against a key prosecution witness in the physician’s involuntary manslaughter trial, the focus on Friday (October 7) turned to a recording of the doctor’s account of his actions while tending to Michael Jackson on the day the pop icon died. During Thursday’s proceedings, attorney Ed Chernoff accused lead coroner’s office investigator Elissa Fleak of sloppy work in her investigation of Jackson’s death. Chernoff suggested that Fleak made a number of mistakes, including leaving her fingerprint on a syringe found on Jackson’s nightstand. In a sometimes heated exchange, Chernoff hammered Fleak about changes she made earlier this year to her report on Jackson’s death, suggesting that they were intended to corroborate the testimony of key prosecution witness Alberto Alvarez, who has claimed that he helped Murray gather up medical evidence at the crime scene, according to the Los Angeles Times . Toxicologist Dan Anderson also noted that trace amounts — equal to a few drops — of the surgical anesthetic propofol were found in Jackson’s stomach. Murray’s defense team has been trying to bolster their theory that Jackson fatally injected or ingested propofol himself. Friday’s highlights included:

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