Among the little-known details about the sci-fi comedy, director Greg Mottola tells MTV News Steven Spielberg lined up his own cameo. By Eric Ditzian Nick Frost and Simon Pegg in “Paul” Photo: Universal Pictures The origin story of “Paul,” Simon Pegg and Nick Frost’s new sci-fi comedy about two English guys who encounter a goofy alien in the American Southwest, began on the soggy U.K. set of “Shaun of the Dead” in 2003. The crew had lost so many days because of rain that they started wondering how great it would be to shoot in a location where it never, ever, ever rained. “We just spit-balled from there,” Frost told MTV News recently. “No rain became the desert, the desert became Area 51 and then it was a short step to thinking about these two guys encountering an alien.”
Read more from the original source:
‘Paul’: Five Secrets Revealed
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