Good to see some people have their priorities straight. Man Saves Dog Then Wife From Sinking Yacht Via HuffPo reports: South African couple Graham and Sheryl Anley were on a three-month sailing trip to Madagascar when they hit a reef Aug. 4 and their yacht started to sink. Graham Anley, who is a volunteer with South Africa’s National Sea Rescue Institute, decided to save the couple’s 9-year-old Jack Russell terrier, Rosie, before coming back to the yacht to save his wife. According to a statement issued NSRI spokesman Geoff McGregor obtained by South Africa’s News 24, Sheryl Anley’s “safety line had snagged on the steering gear,” so even though it seems insensitive, it’s not like she was going anywhere… except down…. with the ship. As Gawker observed, Anley’s decision “will likely put him in the Dog House for some time.” According to News24, Rosie was outfitted in her own “specially tailored dog life-jacket which has its own emergency strobe light attached to it.” According to a NSRI news release, the couple will try to salvage what they can of their yacht, the Boundless, which can be seen run aground below. Proving once again that a dog is man’s best friend.