G-Dubuhya has some explaining to do… G.W. Bush Ancestor Revealed As Vicious Slave Trader A recent delve into the family tree of former U.S. President George W. Bush has revealed some disturbing but not surprising information about his shady ancestors, who were apparently at the head of a brutal slave trading business. via MSN Now Here’s some Bush family news: A direct ancestor of both George H.W. and George W. Bush was a notorious slave trader, according to new historical reports. While at least 25 U.S. presidents have been descendants of slave owners (and 12 of them owners themselves), Thomas “Beau” Walker, Dubya’s great-great-great-great-grandfather by his father’s mother, reportedly went well beyond owning. According to genealogical findings, Walker was a slave ship captain involved in at least 11 slave-trading West African voyages between 1784 and 1792. Walker, called an “inhuman monster” by one British anti-slavery activist, died in 1797 when the crew on one of his vessels mutinied, killing him and throwing his body overboard. The Bush family hasn’t commented yet on these findings. Welp, now we don’t have to wonder G.W.’s unparalleled sense of “IDGAF” towards black people comes from. Not only is he programmed to be a shady towards minorities as the GOP goon squad head honcho, it’s also in his blood.