Source: Handout / Getty Kanye Dropped A Bag On $14 Million Condo For Kim This Christmas According to TMZ , Kanye may have won husband of the year after it was revealed that he bought Kim an exclusive Miami Beach condo estimated at $14 million. The 18-story building is reportedly occupied by hedge fund super wealthy land developers. Kanye viewed the property on his own while in town for Art Basel without Kim knowing. The unit is reportedly 4,700 square feet with 4 bedrooms, 5 1/2 baths and an insanely large terrace. The building is tricked out with a gym, pool and spa. It was originally listed at $15.5 million.
Source: Prince Williams / Getty Usher Officially Files For Divorce From Wife Grace Miguel According to TMZ , Usher has officially filed for divorce from estranged wife, Grace Miguel. The couple split earlier this year, but the “Let it Burn” singer filed documents in Atlanta Friday to call it quits and officially end the marriage. Things reportedly went sour after the revelation of several allegations and lawsuits claiming Usher spread herpes to multiple women . The papers state December 24, 2017 as the couple’s date of separation and that the two reached a confidential settlement agreement, only thing left to make it official is a judge to sign off. In a joint statement, Usher and Grace said, “After much thought and consideration we have mutually decided to separate as a couple. We remain deeply connected, loving friends who will continue supporting each other through the next phases of our lives.”
If you need to do a whole bunch of shady, sleazebag stuff, you need a shady, sleazebag attorney to handle it. The only problem is that, well, your lawyer is a shady sleazebag. On Friday, the world learned that Michael Cohen had apparently recorded Donald Trump discussing payouts to cover up his alleged affair with a former Playboy model. Those recordings may be evidence that Trump violated campaign finance laws in the 2016 election. Being a woman who goes public with her story of having had sex with Donald Trump can get you stalked, harassed, and threatened. Recently, it even got Stormy Daniels arrested in a transparent sting operation that many believed was designed as part of a harassment campaign against her. In this case, we’re talking about former Playboy model Karen McDougal. It has now come to light that, just months before the 2016 election, Trump spoke to his attorney, Michael D Cohen, about payments made to McDougal to ensure her silence. According to The New York Times , Cohen recorded his conversation with Trump … and the F.B.I. now has those tapes. According to lawyers and others familiar with the tapes, the F.B.I. acquired these recordings earlier in the year. Remember their big raid on Michael Cohen’s office? That’s when they got their hands on them. The Justice Department is invesigating Cohen over payments to women in order to bury embarrassing stories about Trump during his Presidential campaign. If so, it is believed that this was a violation of campaign finance law. The Trump campaign has insisted that it had no knowledge of any such payments. Considering the amounts of money exchanged, some find this hard to believe. Karen McDougal says that her affair with Donald Trump spanned for nearly a year, beginning in 2006. It apparently began a short time after Trump’s current (and then, new) wife, Melania Trump, gave birth to his youngest child, Barron. During the final months of the 2016 Presidential campaign, McDougal sold her story for $150,000. Unfortunately, she sold it to The National Enquirer , a tabloid whose owner is friendly towards Trump. After purchasing her story, the tabloid declined to publish it. This is known as the “catch and kill” method for handling scandals. Rudy Giuliani took a break from claiming that porn stars are worthless as human beings to confirm to The New York Times that the recordings do include Trump and Cohen discussing these payments. He says that the recordings are about two minutes long. Giuliani claims that Trump did not know that he was being recorded … which is what most people had figured, anyway. However, Giuliani also claims that Trump did nothing wrong. He says that Trump was discussing a totally separate deal to buy McDougal’s story. Giuliani says that Trump considered buying McDougal’s story from the Enquirer, which would have effectively reimbursed the tabloid for buying McDougal’s unwitting silence, but that the payment was never made. Cohen is being intensely scrutinized under suspicion of a lot of things for his work on behalf of Donald Trump. Though he was a firm loyalist for Trump (and Sean Hannity, his other client), Cohen has recently been changing his tune, and said that he will put his family and country first. Some are skeptical, however, and think that if Cohen is really willing to put his country first, he should tell the Justice Department everything that he knows about Trump’s illegal dealings immediately. Others are unsure of his credibility, but are inclined to listen to evidence such an an audio recording. Some suggest that this revelation about Trump discussing payouts to McDougal might lead to his downfall. It might seem unimportant compared to Trump kissing Putin’s ass in what many consider to be an act of treason. But breaking election laws is still serious. It matters. View Slideshow: Donald Trump Impeachment Party: Who’s Attending?
If you're a follower of all things Teen Mom , then by now, you've probably caught wind of the biggest development to the franchise since Farrah Abraham got fired for being Farrah Abraham. We're talking, of course, about Bristol Palin joining the cast of Teen Mom OG . The news has already prompted several important questions: Will Bristol be able to deliver the ratings? Does the average MTV viewer even remember the 2008 election? Does seeing Russia from one's house count as collusion? And, of course, how does the rest of the cast feel about Bristol's casting ? Now, it turns out the answer to that last query could create some serious problems for the show's producers: 1. New Girl Bristol is one of the most famous former teen moms in the country, but the news of her casting came as a total shock, nonetheless. 2. Classified Info MTV reportedly went to great lengths to keep the news under wraps, even going so far as to refer to Bristol by a codename in meetings and internal documents. 3. The Maci Connection An insider revealed yesterday that Maci Bookout was directly linked to the decision to cast Bristol. 4. A Failed Gambit It seems that at one point, Maci refused to continue filming unless producers assured her that they would no longer feature her first baby daddy, Ryan Edwards, on the show. Apparently, she didn’t want her eldest son to see his father struggling with addiction on TV. 5. Whoops The move backfired, however, as producers decided to continue filming Ryan while simultaneously seeking out a suitable replacement for Maci. 6. Enter Bristol And just like that, Bristol wound up joining the cast. Producers decided to keep Maci on the show, and in an ironic twist, Palin might wind up giving Bookout exactly what she wanted … View Slideshow
Nick Gordon Checks Into Rehab After Dr. Phil Intervention Nick Gordon’s sit-down session with Dr. Phil didn’t go exactly as he planned. Nick reportedly went into the sit-down with Dr. Phil under the impression that it was an opportunity to clear the air regarding his involvement (or lack thereof) in the events that led to Bobbi Kristina being found face-down in the bathtub at the Roswell, GA home they shared together. In reality, it was an intervention staged by his mother and Dr. Phil, urging Nick to get help for the severe depression and addiction he has been facing since Bobbi went into a medically-induced coma . According to Daily Mail , Nick’s mother Michelle told Dr. Phil: “Nicholas is at breaking point. He cannot take too much more of not being able to see Krissi. He blames himself. As we sit here right now, my son’s life hangs in the balance. When Bobbi was found, he administered CPR to her and called me as he was standing in front of her saying, ‘Mom, why couldn’t I do it? I couldn’t get air into her lungs.’” Nick got highly emotional multiple times during the encounter, repeatedly breaking down, ranting incoherently, and even threatening to kill himself if Bobbi Kristina’s condition took a turn for the worse. Dr. Phil said that if Nick were left alone, he would very likely be dead “within the week.” Nick reportedly walked out multiple times, refused to cooperate, conceded to Dr. Phil’s request that he get help in one breath then reneged in the next — all before finally agreeing to get professional help. The intervention took place in Atlanta on March 4, Bobbi Kristina’s birthday — a highly emotional time for Nick. The episode is set to air next Wednesday, March 11. So…does this mean that he still isn’t giving details on what happened before Bobbi got in the tub that morning?? Dr. Phil
While we still don’t know if there was any truth to the rumors about Britney Spears and Charlie Ebersol getting engaged on Christmas , we do know that the new couple certainly seemed to enjoy a cozy holiday at home. Brit and Charlie have been dating for just two months, but this pic serves as further evidence that the Spears family fully approves of Charlie, and is totally on board with the idea of their relationship going to the next level. Spears and Ebersol reportedly went from 0 to 100, rapidly progressing from first date to him serving as a father-like figure for her two boys. There have even been rumors that Britney’s dad introduced her to Charlie because he knew the successful young producer would serve as a much-needed stabilizing force in her life. Heck, it’s even been reported that professional baby daddy Kevin Federline approves of Brit’s relationship with Charlie. Knowing all that, and considering how tumultuous Brit’s love life was in 2014 (Anyone remember David Lucado ?) we wouldn’t be surprised if the new year brings Spears a shiny new piece of finger bling. Hopefully, 2016 won’t see her hanging in her head in divorce court, all like, “Oops, I did it again!” 17 Boyfriends of Britney Spears 1. Reg Jones Yes, the man who took Britney’s v-card was a high school love named Reg Jones.
The Apple rumor mill is churning like crazy once again amid gossip and speculation that the brand’s new iPhone 5S may be released September 20. The next iPhone’s release date, gold and graphite phones, and a “revolutionary” patent that could replace hinges (seriously) are all unconfirmed. Still, why let that stop us from excitedly guessing? The latest Apple rumors: iPhone 5S Release Date: Coming Soon? The iPhone 5S will be released three weeks from Friday, September 20. The iPhone 5C, a new, cheaper and more colorful plastic-cased handset, will also be released, a report in Japan’s Nikkei indicates. Apple is to announce the devices September 10, according to speculation, and the products’ release 10 days later is standard iPhone procedure. Elsewhere in iPhone land… Apple will release a gold-colored iPhone. Supposedly. The iPhone 5S “may” also come in grey or “graphite” with white panels. Apple has been negotiating directly with networks “to provide content for a television set that would emphasize apps over cable TV.” Apple may be readying its own TV service. So, instead of writing a check to your cable provider, you may be paying Apple for TV online. Apple last week applied for a patent for “interlocking flexible segments” that could replace bulky hinges on its hardware, such as MacBooks. Will any or all of this come to fruition? We will soon find out …
A new source has come forward and disputed the allegation that embattled NBA star Lamar Odom is hooked on crack . HOWEVER, the basketball player and reality star most definitely does have a drug problem. A very serious one at that. “The problem is cocaine ,” an anonymous insider tells Us . “He would be high for three or four days at a time… The addiction had taken over [his] marriage.” Khloe and Lamar: On the Mend? In response to Odom sadly falling off the wagon, the athlete’s wife, Khloe Kardashian held an intervention for her husband last week. It did not go well, Lamar refused assistance and Khloe subsequently kicked him out of their home. He reportedly went off the grid after that. But he is reportedly back at home now and friends say he’s open to getting treatment of some kind, though his relationship with Khloe remains on the rocks. She “wants to save her marriage and him,” the celebrity gossip tabloid reports, while an acquaintance feels nothing but pity for Kardashian: “I feel so bad for her. She really loves Lamar.” And, along those lines, Khloe Kardashian is focusing her energy on the personal demons that have once again come to haunt her husband of four years. Let’s all hope Odom manages to overcome them. Khloe and Lamar: Will it last? Yes. With love and hard work, they will find a way. No. The damage has been done and is too great. View Poll »
G-Dubuhya has some explaining to do… G.W. Bush Ancestor Revealed As Vicious Slave Trader A recent delve into the family tree of former U.S. President George W. Bush has revealed some disturbing but not surprising information about his shady ancestors, who were apparently at the head of a brutal slave trading business. via MSN Now Here’s some Bush family news: A direct ancestor of both George H.W. and George W. Bush was a notorious slave trader, according to new historical reports. While at least 25 U.S. presidents have been descendants of slave owners (and 12 of them owners themselves), Thomas “Beau” Walker, Dubya’s great-great-great-great-grandfather by his father’s mother, reportedly went well beyond owning. According to genealogical findings, Walker was a slave ship captain involved in at least 11 slave-trading West African voyages between 1784 and 1792. Walker, called an “inhuman monster” by one British anti-slavery activist, died in 1797 when the crew on one of his vessels mutinied, killing him and throwing his body overboard. The Bush family hasn’t commented yet on these findings. Welp, now we don’t have to wonder G.W.’s unparalleled sense of “IDGAF” towards black people comes from. Not only is he programmed to be a shady towards minorities as the GOP goon squad head honcho, it’s also in his blood. Continue reading →