For Discussion: Mike Vick And Other Black Athletes Accept Riley Cooper’s Apology For Saying The N-Word, Will The Black Community Forgive Him??

Do you forgive Riley (Punk Azz) Cooper ? Black Athletes Forgive Riley Cooper’s Racist Slurs Via USA Today : Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick empathized when wide receiver Riley Cooper apologized to him during a 15-minute conversation Wednesday night, and then to teammates, for using a racial slur after a confrontation with an African-American security guard during a Kenny Chesney concert in June. “What if your son or daughter made a mistake of this factor? How would you want people to perceive it? I’ve been there before,” said Vick, who made the most of his second chance with the Eagles after serving a 21-month sentence for his role in a dog-fighting ring. “Him being my brother, knowing him for so long, it’s hard to defend him saying that. At the same, time, it happened. We talked about it man to man, one on one. We just know that we have to some way move on. It’s a very delicate situation. But we all understand. Somehow we all have to find a way to get past it. That’s maturity in itself.” In a video that has gone viral after being published Wednesday on, Cooper said, “I will jump that fence and fight every (N-word) here, bro.” Uh oh! Hit the flip to peep more from Vick’s bout that life little brother and other Black folks who are not forgiving Riley Cooper’s racist comments…

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