Ho Sit Down: Ted Nugent Says Black Parents Should “Teach Their Children Not To Attack People” If They Don’t Want To Die Like Trayvon Martin

Ted Nugent Says Black Parents Should Teach Their Children Not To Attack People Like Trayvon Did Idiotic NRA Chairman Ted Nugent, who is known for making radically ridiculous and most times borderline racist comments is back at it with his latest opinion on the outcome of the trial of child murderer George “Triggerman” Zimmerman. The babbling beyotch-made man suggested in a recent interview that if “people” who are worried about their children ending up like Trayvon would teach them not to attack people, then they wouldn’t have to worry. While he didn’t plainly state that he was referring to black people, no other race is currently more concerned about the welfare of their young boys….soooooo…..yeah. via THG Nugent, the legendary rock star and equally well-known gun rights activist, ripped the state of Florida for even bringing charges against Zimmerman. He even went a step further and lambasted President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder for using the case to promote a “racist agenda.” “It was a clear-cut case of self-defense,” Nugent said. “I’m very relieved and hopeful that there is justice in America the ‘not guilty’ verdict came in.” “Number one, the whole thing is a tragedy – that he was charged with any crime after all the evidence that the law enforcement professionals ascertained immediately.” “When we the people do get all the evidence, then we see self-defense as the pure thing that it is,” he added on Dennis Miller’s radio show. After slandering President Obama and all but calling him a racist, Nugent then went on to insult Trayvon Martin, his family and any families where African-American males are present. With the N.Y. Daily News linking Martin to hate crime victims, and everyone from Kim Kardashian to Beyonce lamenting the verdict, Ted has a different take: “I think that the real travesty here is that the prosecutor and the judge and the whole so-called justice system was cowed and pressured by just racism personified.” “It pains me deeply to even have to say this, but when the president and the gun-running attorney general get involved to push for a racist agenda, it’s bad for America. It puts us back.” According to Nugent, the Trayvon Martin trial was just part of what he called ugly race relations, matching only those going back to the civil rights era. “I’m 65 years old this year, Dennis, and I’ve never seen such ugly race relations since the white and black water fountains in Detroit went away,” Nugent said. “We were on an even keel. We were on the upgrade. I think racism for all practical purposes was gone five, six years ago and it’s back with a vengeance and it breaks my heart.” “But here’s the ultimate lesson, if everyone would take a deep breath – I hear a lot of squawking that parents go, ‘Well, that could have been my kid.’” “Well, here’s a little update for you: Teach your children not to attack people. Thank you very much. And again, I take no joy in criticizing my president.” There has to be warm jail cell right next to Zimmerman’s empty one for this guy to occupy……asap.

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