I’m Your Pushaaaa: Special Needs Man Travels 520 Miles By Wheelchair To Talk To President Obama About Legalizing Kush

Ridin’ out for rollin’ up? Now that’s dedication! Man Travels 520 Miles By Wheelchair To Lobby For Legalization Of Kush How far would you go to convince the leader of the free world that piff-puffin’ is a life necessity  and should be legal everywhere? Probably not as far as this man. via Huffington Post Confined to a motorized chair, Curtis Kile, who has Cerebral Palsy, thinks “mean green”should be legal for all. The 52-year-old pointed his wheels from Taylor, Mich. toward 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on June 14, a 520-mile trek. He says he’s hoping to make his pitch in person to President Barack Obama at the White House on July 4. His 17-year-old son, Curtis Kile, Jr., is accompanying him for the 20-day trek in a Ford Econoline van. Kile Sr. is following the path led by his own father, Charles Curtis Kile, Jr., whom Kile said founded the United Marijuana Smokers of Michigan and once walked from Michigan to the White House in support of “mean-green” legalization. While Kile said his health and pace have been affected by the hot temperatures, he has vowed to press on. “I intend to get a national movement going so it (marijuana) can just be legalized,” he told The Compassion Chronicles. “We have to make it readily available to those who cannot afford it.“ Michigan voters approved medical “mean-green” use for some chronic medical conditions in 2008. But acceptance has been stymied on multiple fronts. Kile told the Detroit Free Press that lobbyists and rival industries, not common sense, have stymied access to marijuana for people who could benefit from it. This man damn near risked his life all for the love of that mean green. SMH.

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