Racist Or Nah? AIG Insurance CEO Compares Outrage Over Poooor Rich Wall Street Execs Accepting Big Bonuses To Slave Lynchings In The South

Cry us a fawking river… AIG CEO Compares Wall Street Exec Bonus Outrage To Slave Lynchings Another day, another filthy rich right-winger putting his foot in his mouth. This time the foolery comes courtesy of AIG Insurance CEO Bob Benmosche. via Think Progress In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, AIG CEO Bob Benmosche came out with the worst analogy for the 2009 financial crisis. Benmosche compared public outrage over AIG’s bonuses to the Deep South lynching African-Americans. “It was just as bad and just as wrong,” he said, because employees were used to a certain way of living: “Now you have these bright young people [in the financial-products unit] who had nothing to do with [the bad bets that hurt the company.] … They understand the derivatives very well; they understand the complexity. … They’re all scared. They [had made] good livings. They probably lived beyond their means. …They aren’t going to stay there for nothing. The uproar over bonuses “was intended to stir public anger, to get everybody out there with their pitch forks and their hangman nooses, and all that–sort of like what we did in the Deep South [decades ago]. And I think it was just as bad and just as wrong.” The nerve of this dude to compare the “struggle” that his already-privileged staff is going through to that of slaves in the south who LOST THEIR LIVES. Sounds to us like he deserves all the backlash he gets.

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