Lindsay Lohan Says She Will Never Drink Again Either her 9,785 rehab stint FINALLY worked, or Hollyweird wild child Lindsay Lohan is just babbling to hear herself talk, because she says she’s a bottle-hugger no more. via THG Lindsay Lohan is determined to live alcohol-free. Like forever. The actress, who just got out of rehab but was warned by her doctors and a judge to stick with treatment or face certain failure, is apparently taking that advice. So committed is LiLo to her sobriety that she will insist hotel rooms, dressing rooms and even her mom’s home are dry when she comes for a visit. Dina Lohan’s house, alcohol free? That will be a tall order, but she checked into the Beverly Hills Hotel this week and did just as described above. Same goes for her guest stint on Chelsea Lately last week. She insisted her dressing room contain only non-alcoholic drinks before her gig on E! Lindsay also plans to travel with a “sober coach” for at least the next week. We’ll see how long this one holds up. In all fairness, it makes a world of difference to have people around you who have your best interest in mind so her crew making sure her dressing rooms, hotels rooms, etc. are actually free of alcohol will play a big part in Lindsay sticking to this proclamation.