Tag Archives: 13-pound-weight

Coco Austin: I Will Keep Dressing Up My Baby! You Can Suck It!

Coco Austin has taken yet another stand against her critics. The outspoken mother gave birth to her first child, a girl named Chanel, back in November. She immediately set up an Instagram account for the tyke and has since shared numerous photos of little Chanel, typically dressed up in very attire not typically seen on a baby. With critics coming at her left and right, Coco has already taken on her haters by insisting she takes care of her baby… and now she’s at it again. Via a new blog entry for E!, Austin explains why her young child her her own social media account: “It’s more for people who want to keep an eye on her while not overloading our pages with photos of her.” The Ice & Coco co-host added that Chanel possess an incredible shoe collection and wardrobe, yet she is often under fire for referring to Chanel as  “real-life doll” and dressing her up in stylish outfits such as the one above. “Of course I know she’s a real human being. Don’t you know I know that?” Austin wrote. “Should I just dress her up in a normal T-shirt? Is that better? “Why can’t I just have my moment of dressing my daughter up? Why is that such a negative thing? Does she look like she’s really mad in these pictures? She actually looks very happy dressed up.” Coco, who manages to waist train AND care for her baby , was also shamed for bragging about her mere 13-pound weight gain while pregnant. “I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t,” she blogged here. “No matter what I post on Chanel, people are going to find something negative about it. It amazes me.” View Slideshow: Coco Post-Baby: Pics of the New Mom & Her Bounce-Back Body In the end, Coco does make a pretty good point: “If you’re really not liking the way I do things, get off my page.” It’s true. While we also find it a big strange to publicize photos of your child in this kind of manner… whatever, right? No one is forcing anyone to look at these photos and if the girl is happy and healthy, isn’t that all that matters?

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Coco Austin: I Will Keep Dressing Up My Baby! You Can Suck It!