Tag Archives: 130-characters

Jennifer Irene Gonzalez for X-Mas of the Day

The homies over at VENICE CHIC remind us that it is never too late too learn how to decorate a Christmas tree… This not really what I remember my grandma looking like when she decorated the tree…which is a good thing.. This video Features some babe named Jennifer Irene Gonzalez, who I am going to assume is not Asian…

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Jennifer Irene Gonzalez for X-Mas of the Day

Christmas Day Topless Activist in Church of the Day

Some topless girl with “I AM GOD” written on her chest raided a Catholic church on Christmas Eve, the most Holiest day of the year, in Germany….because I assume she was either raped when she was a little boy by a priest, or more likely seriously misguided, attention seeking, trying to be punk rock, while really just being an asshole…let people practice their religion however they want…whether the whole holiday is so anti Christian and anti religious through it’s commercialization or not… I don’t know what she’s protesting, but watching them drag her out of the church was fun…would rather this end in a porn scene exorcism…but I guess you can’t get killed for this kind of behavior anymore…too bad.

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Christmas Day Topless Activist in Church of the Day

Vida Guerra Big Booty Christmas Twerk of the Day

Vida Guerra reminds us that she’s still around and ready to attack the world with her ghetto booty everyone loves…through the best Christmas card in the history of Christmas cards…because even if you’re not into big asses…you will be able to appreciate this…wishing it was being unwrapped and spread under your Christmas tree..even if you’re Jewish…

Here is the original post:
Vida Guerra Big Booty Christmas Twerk of the Day

Merry Christmas from your friends and family at DrunkenStepfather.com

All I want for X-Mas is for you to FRIEND us on FACEBOOK FOLLOW us on INSTAGRAM TELL us in 130 characters or less how much you hate us on TWITTER Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night….especially if you’re like me, drunk and taking advantage of the sad, lonely, depressed, and desperate…cuz the holiday always bring the worst out of people!!!

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Merry Christmas from your friends and family at DrunkenStepfather.com