Tag Archives: 15-second-clips

Watch 15 Seconds of Jeremy Piven Trying to Rip His Face Off

Why, hello again, I Melt With You ! Mark Pellington’s white male middle-aged angst-athon premieres at Sundance next week, and the marketing is in full swing. That means random 15-second clips, like a weathered Rob Lowe talking about mind and body disconnects , or this new one of Jeremy Piven trying in vein to rip his own face off. Either that or he has a wicked case of brain freeze. Tongue to the roof of your mouth, J-Pivs! Ahem. Click ahead to watch.

Watch 15 Seconds of Jeremy Piven Trying to Rip His Face Off

5 Minutes of Star Wars Uncut

In preparation for the premier at CPH:PIX next week, the editors of the Star Wars Uncut project released this teaser today. As you can see, it's disjointed and hectic, but somehow all the 15-second clips fit together pretty smoothly. The Best Links: Check Out Star Wars Uncut Via The Daily What Watch