Tag Archives: fit-together

Katy Perry’s Sweet Neon Hipster Cleavage

I’ve been missing Katy Perry’s big hipster breasts lately so these shots of her from some photoshoot crossed my desk at just the right time. I don’t know who the photographer was, but I like the way he used the neon floaties and boom box to really set the mood, it reminds me of some cheesy eighties porno. So hot. I would like to spend some time playing with Katy’s plump floaties.

Jayde Nicole And Jessica Hall Make A Great No Name Pair

Obviously Jayde Nicole and Jessica Hall make a good pair, either one of these chicks and a grapefruit would make a good pair, but these two seem to fit together extra well. I don’t know if it’s Jessica’s sweet cleavage or Jayde’s tight see through dress, but it’s working. Personally I think a Playboy hottie in a dress that I can see through will win that argument every time. But that’s Just me.

5 Minutes of Star Wars Uncut

In preparation for the premier at CPH:PIX next week, the editors of the Star Wars Uncut project released this teaser today. As you can see, it's disjointed and hectic, but somehow all the 15-second clips fit together pretty smoothly. The Best Links: Check Out Star Wars Uncut Via The Daily What Watch