Tag Archives: sweet-cleavage

Emmanuelle Chriqui Is White Hot

Here’s Emmanuelle Chriqui at the National Geographic’s “Killing Jesus” premiere. You’d think a show about Jesus would be on the History channel, but who am I to judge. Television sucks now, and the best thing to watch right now is the “ RatedXlife ” Snapchat. Seriously, check it out. Anyway, Emmanuelle is looking pretty hot showing off her sweet cleavage in that white dress, but what’s with the hairdo? » view all 11 photos                   Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Emmanuelle Chriqui Is White Hot

Here’s Emmanuelle Chriqui at the National Geographic’s “Killing Jesus” premiere. You’d think a show about Jesus would be on the History channel, but who am I to judge. Television sucks now, and the best thing to watch right now is the “ RatedXlife ” Snapchat. Seriously, check it out. Anyway, Emmanuelle is looking pretty hot showing off her sweet cleavage in that white dress, but what’s with the hairdo? » view all 11 photos                   Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Phoebe Price Bikini Pictures

I don’t know why I’m posting these bikini pictures of Phoebe Price . Most of you don’t even know who she is and she’s not even hot. I guess I feel it is necessary to post any chick in a bikini. It’s a sickness. So ladies, feel free to email photos of yourselves wearing swimwear or lingerie and chances are I’ll put them up. Just click “contact” on the top right corner of the site.

Christina Hendricks Plays With A Bow And Arrow

Here is Christina Hendricks in the V Magazine sports issue. I didn’t know shooting a bow and arrow was considered a sport but I do know that checking out Christina’s sweet cleavage is for me. Enjoy.

McKayla Maroney Teaches The Dougie

If you were looking for pictures of a sixteen year old Olympic gymnast teaching her friends how to dance the dougie…. You’ve got problems. Here’s McKayla Maroney showing off some dance moves with some friends…. That’s all I’m going to day about this.

Katy Perry Drops A Little Cleavage

I’m not sure I say this enough, but man does Katy Perry have some great breasts. Alright, I say it all the time, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Here she is dropping a sweet cleavage bomb in her silly hipster jumpsuit. I don’t think there’s anything better than a woman’s breasts accidentally falling out of her top. Maybe drinking an ice cold beer while it happens, but you get what I mean. Enjoy.

Kate Upton Channels Marilyn Monroe

I’m not sure what the deal is with the recent fascination with Marilyn Monroe, she’s been dead for how many years, but everyone seems to be dressing up like her lately. I think Lindsay Lohan did it in a failed attempt to get work and now busty supermodel Kate Upton’s turn to take a stab at it. I don’t know who did it better, but I’d sure like to see the two of them take their tops off a fight it out. I’ll bring my video camera.

Scarlett Johansson’s Cleavage Goes Missing

Is it just me or has Scarlett Johansson’s hotness kind of dropped off the radar? She used to be everywhere, looking good and dropping sweet cleavage with those big breasts we all know are hidden somewhere underneath her silly outfits. I miss that Scarlett. Here she is on the cover of Miradas , whatever that is, looking kind of like a plain schoolteacher. A schoolteacher I’d like to bang… Obviously.

Lindsay Lohan Drops Some Awesome Cleavage

I know that we’re supposed to dislike Lindsay Lohan because she’s a drunk and hasn’t had a job in forever and all that, but I just can’t do it. What can I say, I find her sexy and would love to spend some quality time with her locked in a dark hotel room. Sure she’s had her problems, but haven’t we all? Besides, she’s hot, she’s blond and she’s got some awesome big breasts on her. That’s really all I need. Here she is showing off that plump front me in a sweet cleavage busting dress. Yes please.

Jayde Nicole And Jessica Hall Make A Great No Name Pair

Obviously Jayde Nicole and Jessica Hall make a good pair, either one of these chicks and a grapefruit would make a good pair, but these two seem to fit together extra well. I don’t know if it’s Jessica’s sweet cleavage or Jayde’s tight see through dress, but it’s working. Personally I think a Playboy hottie in a dress that I can see through will win that argument every time. But that’s Just me.