Tag Archives: sixteen-year

McKayla Maroney Teaches The Dougie

If you were looking for pictures of a sixteen year old Olympic gymnast teaching her friends how to dance the dougie…. You’ve got problems. Here’s McKayla Maroney showing off some dance moves with some friends…. That’s all I’m going to day about this.

Kendall Jenner Skinny Chick Bikini Pictures

I don’t know why, but this is the second post I’ve done today featuring pictures of a sixteen year old on the beach in a bikini. I think I’m probably on some sort of government list by now. Here’s Kendall Jenner horsing around in the surf in her bathing suit over the weekend. I think that’s all I’m going to say at the moment.

Kendall Jenner Gets A Little Inapropriate

It would seem that we’ve got a new member of the Kardashian tribe trying to make her mark. Here’s sixteen year old Kendall Jenner practicing her stripper pole moves with some of her hussy friends. Classy. I guess when you’ve got roll models who got famous for sextapes and whoring themselves out for reality TV shows… This is what happens.

BLACK MUSIC MOMENT #5: Kool Herc Throws His First Party

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Where: (click below to visit venue on Foursquare) Kool Herc’s apartment  1520 Sedgwick Avenue, Bronx, NY When: August 11, 1973 What: With his sister Cindy acting as “promoter,” sixteen year old Clive “Kool Herc” Campbell throws a “back to school” party to raise money for school clothes, and inadvertently launching the musical movement that became known as hip-hop. «  PREVIOUS NEXT  » In celebration of Black Music Month, TheUrbanDaily’s “It’s All Black Music” presents  100 Rewarding Black Music Moments , sponsored by Southwest Airlines . Each Black Music Moment is associated with an actual place that you can visit. During the month of June, check in to at least three of these places on  Foursquare to unlock TheUrbanDaily’s exclusive  “It’s All Black Music” Badge . Check out the locations and details on our  Foursquare page !

BLACK MUSIC MOMENT #5: Kool Herc Throws His First Party