Tag Archives: 18-year-olds

Hollie Cavanagh on American Idol: The Female Favorite?

Hollie Cavanagh was born in England, but lives in Texas. Hence her unusual accent. This American Idol semifinalist also looks her age, something that can’t always be said for 18-year olds on the show. So it’s safe to say we didn’t expect to hear the major pipes that emanated from Cavanagh last night, as she simply stood at the microphone for a cover of Christina Aguilera’s “Reflections,” and sounded very much like that incredible star herself. Jennifer Lopez told Hollie she thinks she can win the whole thing and we agree. We’d make her the very early favorite, along with Phillip Phillips on the men’s side. Do you agree? Watch and listen now: Hollie Cavanagh – “Reflections”

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Hollie Cavanagh on American Idol: The Female Favorite?