Tag Archives: 2011-coverage

Steven Soderbergh Apparently Not Retiring After All

This just in from the reportedly outgoing Oscar-winner Steven Soderbergh, answering questions at Relativity Media’s panel at Comic-Con : “Matt Damon is apparently as discreet as a 14-year-old girl. I had this drunk conversation with him while shooting Contagion and four days later, I read about it in the paper. And he read it verbatim. Nobody in this economy wants to hear about someone quitting a good job. That kind of got blown out of proportion. And that’s Matt’s fault.” Aha! Cue “Blamin’ Damon” headlines in 3… 2… (And check out all of Movieline’s Comic-Con 2011 coverage here .)

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Steven Soderbergh Apparently Not Retiring After All