n The Most Embarrassing High School Moments Caught On The Internet High school was the worst. It was the most embarrassing and awkward times of our lives. Good thing the Internet wasn’t really around for it. These people weren’t so lucky as their embarrassments were all over the place. Take a look…
So uncouth If you’re looking for anything that resembles “chill” on Twitter or Instagram then you might just wanna pack up and move over to Facebook. Yesterday, Washington Redskins swirltastic quarterback Robert Griffin III suffered a dislocated ankle that effectively ended his 2014-2015 NFL season. This marks the 3rd consecutive season that RG3 will miss (in whole, or partial) due to injury. With all the controversy surrounding Native American’s objection to the offensive “Redskins” name, the social media buzzards couldn’t wait to pick at the carcass of the downed QB. Flip the page to read the slander. Image via Twitter/Instagram/AP