Tag Archives: 3rd-generation

Toyota to Offer External Speaker Option to Make Prius Noisier in Japan

Image: Toyota WHIIIRRRRRR Toyota will be offering its Japanese customers an optional (for now) $150 device that makes its 3rd generation Prius hybrid easier to hear at low speeds. They call it the “Approaching Vehicle Audible System”, and it basically makes whirring sounds that vary in pitch with the speed of the car up to 25 kph (check out the video below)…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Toyota to Offer External Speaker Option to Make Prius Noisier in Japan

Honda Fit to Become the Cheapest Hybrid on Market

Photo: Honda Around $16.5k in Japan Honda seems to have figured that if it isn’t going to win the hybrid war on technology, it should at least try to win based on price. The first salvo was the Insight hybrid V2.0 , which was about $3k less than the 3rd generation Toyota Prius , and the second on is coming soon under the shape of a hybridized Honda Fit which should sell for about… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Honda Fit to Become the Cheapest Hybrid on Market