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Kim Kardashian may want to talk to her NBA baller fiance Kris Humphries about what went on in the VIP at club TROUSDALE. The New Jersey Net was spotted looking a little too cozy with a popular jumpoff while in the club’s VIP area. And it gets better! It wasn’t just any old jumpoff, it was the girl that Kim’s ex Reggie Bush cheated on Kim with. OUCH!!! Here’s what an MTO tipster is saying: “I tried taking more pics but [Kris Humphries’] ENTOURAGE stopped me and said not to take any pics and pushed me.” The tipsetr continued, “I was able to see Kris take off by himself escorted by his assistant. Then 5 min later, Baby was escorted out by the SAME assistant.” Does this chick have a vendetta against Kimmy? Kim Humphries Or Kris Kardashian: Who’s Changing Their Name? Take a look at the pics the tipster was able to score: Kim Kardashian Shows Off Her Engagement Ring [PHOTOS]