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Maggie Gyllenhaal Boggled By Britishisms

Maggie Gyllenhaal, while walking the blue carpet for the Leicester Square premiere of her new movie with Emma Thompson , Nanny McPhee and The Big Bang , she spoke of her American-centric travels to Britain, where she needed a translator often. The actress said that although she and husband Pete Sarsgaard spent a lot of time across the pond for his acclaimed flick An Education , the culture gap remained vast according to Contact Music . “You know, I have been here so much we shot The Dark Knight here, my husband shot An Education here, but I think it’s funny – we speak the same language and so many things are similar about New York and London but culturally there are huge differences. I have to do a lot of translating, ‘what do they mean by that?’ But I love London, like, love it.” It must be all those extra “U’s” that really confuse here.

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Maggie Gyllenhaal Boggled By Britishisms