Ok, so no one doffed their top in the judge’s chambers. But the 3rd U.S. Court of Appeals in Philadelphia did take a fine-toothed comb today to the FCC decision fining CBS $550,000 for the exposure of Janet Jackson ‘s suckle stalk. Ruling 2-1, the court declared that while the FCC does have the authority to crack down on “indecent images” like Janet’s milk nozzle, the commission acted unfairly by changing its policy towards nippage after the slippage fact and thus the fine was issued in error. In case you were in a coma in 2004, Janet’s top “malfunctioned” during a Super Bowl halftime performance with Justin Timberlake , causing one bejeweled baby button to be briefly exposed on national television. While Mr. Skin was delighted, legions of killjoys were not, and the “Nipplegate” (sk)incident led to a widespread crackdown on nip slips, raunchy song lyrics, sexually suggestive storylines, and everything else that makes network TV worth watching. Celebrate boobs, justice and the American way with some notable live TV nip slips after the jump!
Originally posted here:
U.S. Court of Appeals Tweaks Janet Jackson’s Nipple [PICS]